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This chapter contains scenes that are not suitable for the young readers


Third Person


It's already 6:25 in the evening. The lights of the house and the neighborhood are now on.The blonde was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring blankly at the wall. He is fiddling with his small fingers. He is nervous at the thought that they will arrive soon, like his father said earlier.

He took a deep breath to calm his rragin heartbeat and trembling hands. He looked at his open window and saw the black sky filled with so many bright and captivating stars and a bright full moon. The curtains were being blown softly by the wind breeze of the night, the dried leaves that fell from the cypress tree in their yard being blown side to side.

The blonde's door was being opened harshly from outside, and it made Jimin jolt in his seat. He gulped when he saw his father holding a bottle of soju in his hands.

"Mr. Chan will arrive soon. Behave." If you make any complaint to him, you won't get out of this room. "

"Y-yes, sir,"

He mumbled,

"Good Slut. I will punch you if you misbehave and I won't make you eat for one week. "

Jimin nodded, not trying to look at his angry father.

They heard a knock on their door and Mr. Park immediately left the room of Jimin to open the door.

"Mr. Chan is already here, bitch."

The blonde was wiping his tears and he was composing himself and his composure. He didn't like to do this, but he couldn't disobey his father because he would face consequences if he did. He would never go outside again if he didn't do what his father wanted.

If he misbehaves and disobeys right now, He is not going to go to school tomorrow and he won't give him food. His father will starve him to death.

He heard that his father was talking to Mr. Chan about him and about the payment for the night. They were laughing, and he heard that his father was offering Mr. Chan a drink, but he declined.

"I don't want to drink, Mr. Park. I want to start as soon as possible. "

"Ohh! I got it, Mr. Chan. I will lead you to my son's room. "

The room was slowly opened by a tall man wearing a business suit. He locked the door before he approached the blonde who was sitting uncomfortably on the edge of the bed. He is looking intently at the blonde.

Jimin was staring at the floor. He was still trembling and nervous.

Mr. Chan caressed the cheeks of Jimin, and he tilted the face of the younger, and he smiled wickedly when he saw the blondes faces.

"You're a beauty, but sadly, your father was just trading you for money."
Those words stung Jimin's chest.

Mr. Chan pushed the latter aggressively and harshly into the cushion. When the fire ignited inside of him when he heard him whimper, he hurriedly unbotton his business suit, unbuckled his leather belt that he used to tie Jimin's hands to the bed post.

"Please don't tie me up. Don't do this. I don't want this. "

Jimin pleaded and panicked when Mr. Chan started to tie him up. He started to tear up and tremble more.

"We haven't started yet, but you are already begging."

The lust was filling his eyes and just looking at the latter's scared face and trembling body made him aroused.

"I didn't pay tons of money to your father just to let you pass. I need to taste every inch of your exchange with my high payment. "

Smirked was still visible on his lips:

"Please let me go. I'm going to pay your payment to my father, but just let me go. "

"Na uhhh. Not so easy beauty"

Mr. Chan was totally naked and started to put down the blonde pajama until it reached his toes. He pulled up next to his briefs.

"I like your ass, it's plump."

Jimin was just crying and begging to be stopped. He can't fight since he is tightly tied up.

"Stop this"

He ripped the shirt Jimins was wearing and it showed the chest of the blonde filled with bruises. He started to trail the blonde's chest using his index finger.

"Don't touch my chest please."

Jimin begged him not to touch him there, but he didn't listen. He just continued doing what he was doing. He started to kiss the blonde's neck,

"Don't touch my neck please."

Jimin was crying, sobbing, and whimpering. He started to wiggle his body and it made Mr. Chan pissed, so he slapped the younger to make him stop wiggling and stop fighting him. Mr. Chan kept on whispering not to touch and kiss him on the chest and neck, but Mr. Chan didn't listen.

He kept on kissing him there. He is now sucking the blonde nipple until it reddens. His hands were busy touching all the curves of the body of Jimin.

"Ahhh. Please stop, "

Jimin begged as Mr. Chan licked his nipple and abused it like a hungry wolf, and his beg was ignored once more.

Mr. Chan was busy doing his work, which is why he was ignoring Jimin. A four-finger was abrublty inserted into the hole of the blonde, and Jimin made a loud gasp and a painful cry when Mr. Chan harshly scissored and inserted his hands in and out.

"Please stop, Mr. Chan," he smirked, pulling his fingers from inside him.

He started to reposition himself on the back of the younger.

He pushes his shaft inside of the blonde without prepping him and using lubricant. He wasn't careful with Jimin. He put his dick on Jimin raw.
Jimin was crying from the pain in his hole to what Mr. Chan did. He was snapping his hips at an animalistic pace and he started to slap Jimin's butt until it reddened. He kept on abusing Jimins, thrusting his dick hard like an animal.

"Ahhh, you're such a curvy beauty."

When he reached his orgasm, his load was filling the blonde hole. Mr.Chan's cum was scattered on the bedsheet and on the ass of Jimin.

"Ahhh. You are so good at taking my dick."

The whole night was hell for Jimin. After his session with Mr. Chan, Mr. Ching immediately arrived and they used his body the whole night until they were satisfied.



I hope you enjoy this chapter:)

- Love lots ♥

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