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This chapter has mentions of panic attacks and anxiety.


Third Person


When Jungkook and his other classmates picked up the trash and put it in the bin, the history professor arrived. Jungkook found some empty seats since the front and middle rows were already occupied. He saw the vacant seat in the last row and he saw the blonde-haired man who had his head low facing the floor.

He walked to the man and decided to be seated with him. He put his purple backpack and his books on the table. Yugyeom wanted to offer the seat beside him to Jungkook, but he saw that Jungkook had started walking to the seat beside the blonde that he called earlier a "beggar" and "poor scholar."

Yugyeom started to speak, but the professor spoke first, and he introduced himself.

"Good morning, class." I'm Lee Minho, and I'm going to be your professor in your history course for the whole first semester, and also be your adviser.

Mr. Lee also explained to his students his rules and regulations and his grading system. He said that he is a strict professor and would give 5 without hesitation.

Let's start the class. I don't want to waste time.

The curious bunny boy started to talk with the blonde-haired boy who was busy writing notes in his notebook.


Jungkook whispered to the blonde, and Jimin jolted in his seat when he heard the sweet voice of the raven. He looks at him and he is smiling and showing off his bunny teeth.


When he said hello, he was hesitant. That's why he stutters when he responds to the bunny male.

"I'm Jungkook. What is your name?"

Jimin hesitated to reply since it was the first time someone asked his name. Before, no one asked for his name since he was just a nobody and was always bullied by everyone.

"J-jimin, Park J-jimin "

"You have a nice name, Jiminie."


Jimin is shocked to hear Jiminie from Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook is the first person to have given him a nickname. Other people and his parents used to call him derogatory nicknames.

"Yes, Jiminie. Do you not want me to call you that? "

Jungkook asked sadly.

No, it's okay. You can call me Jiminie if you want. "

His sad eyes became happy again when Jimin said that it was okay to call him Jiminie.

"I will call you Jiminie, so call me Kookie from now on."


"Yes, call me Kookie. We are friends now, right?"

The raven hair whispers happily into the ears of the blonde. The word "friends" makes Jimin shiver. This is the first time that he's lost his friendship. No one approached him since they saw him as a filthy beggar and pathetic.

Jungkook is so happy that he asks if they are friends. He never had a friend, so this is bizarre for him.

"Jiminie" You are not answering. You don't want me to be your friend? "

Jungkook asked with his shaky voice and his eyes became so glossy. Jimin immediately snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the teary eye of the raven. He shook his head immediately and shushed the younger. He didn't want the professor to see and hear them.

Mr. Lee is busy writing on the whiteboard, and their classmates are also busy writing notes on their papers.

"No, kookie. I'm just lost in my thoughts. That's why I don't answer you right away, but sure. I want to be your friend. "

The blonde touched the shoulder of the raven while answering him and creating circles to soothe him.


"Yes, k-kookie, we are friends."

His sad face became happy, his pout turned into a smile. Jungkook looks at the professor to see if he is looking, and when he sees that he isn't looking, he sneaks to hug his new friends.

Jimin hisses lowly when Jungkook hugs him tightly. Jungkook didn't hear the hiss of Jimin since he was busy hugging him. After he hugged the blonde, he also started to write on his paper.

The blonde bit his lips to prevent himself from hissing when Jungkook hugs him since his body is hurting due to the beating from his father last night and his bruised wrists due to the tight knot of the rope last night.

He shook his head and did not remember what happened last night in their house. His hands were shaking while writing when a flashback came to his mind. His anxiety and panic attacks are trying to come out, but he is trying to relax to calm his nerves and emotions.

He doesn't want to hyperventilate in front of everyone. That would just give his bullies more privilege to bully him more and make fun of him in his vulnerability.

"What's wrong, Jiminie-hyungie?"

When he heard Jungkook's sweet and angelic voice, His nerves immediately calmed down. His anxiety and his pounding heart slowly calmed down when he heard Jungkook's voice.

His hard breathing became normal again and his beating hard heart became normal too. His shaking hands are now normal.

"Y-yes. I'm okay Kookie. "

Okay, Hyungie, but if you don't feel okay, tell me.

Jimin simply nods in response to the younger's concern.

"Thank you, kookie."

Jungkook just smiles sweetly and innocently at Jimin. They started to take notes again and tried to listen to the professor's discussion.


Jungkook said while still looking and listening to the discussion of Mr. Lee.

"Yes, kookie?"

"Do you want to have lunch with me together with my other hyungie?"

"Kookie." What if they don't want me beside them? "

Jimin is hesitant about having lunch with the other friends of Jungkook. He is afraid too that they don't approve of his friendship with Jungkook. Anxiety started to build inside of him again. Jungkook is his first friend, and he doesn't want to lose his only friend.

"Jiminie-hyungie, don't worry, they will like you. They are not bad, they are so sweet and kind, so don't worry. "

Jungkook's assurance to him was not to worry about his building-up anxiety fading away. Hearing the younger's sweet, angelic, and innocent voice calmed his raging emotions and anxiety.



I hope you like this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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