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This chapter contains depression, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm


Third Person


The blonde boy was helplessly lying on the sheet that was filled with cum and sweat. The whole room smelt like sex and cum and three used condoms were scattered on the floor filled with white liquid. A torn tee-shirt, briefs, and boxers were on the floor.

He was silently crying and clutching his bedsheet. His tears were puffy and red from all the crying last night. The cold wind of the morning makes him shiver. He is cold, but he doesn't bother to get the blanket that was also thrown earlier when they forced him to have sex.

He couldn't stand and move his body due to fatigue. They used his body for the whole night until his so-called clients were satisfied and they had already released all their lust and stress. They treat him like a slave when they are using him for their own pleasure.

Jimin despises being tied and being touched on his sensitive spot. It makes him panic and tremble. Even though he begs so many times to stop and not to touch his neck and chest, they won't stop at all. They like him begging and crying. It excites them.

The exhausted boy curled up in a ball and hugged himself to keep his body warm. put his hand to his mouth to stop the loud sob that wanted to escape from his mouth.

"I-I can't do it anymore."

He whispers, together with his painful sobs,

"I want to die"

"I don't want to experience this anymore. I don't want to get hurt and used by anyone.'

He removed his hands from his mouth and started to touch his neck and chest.

"I don't want to be touched here. I begged them but they never stopped. "

He kept talking to himself and his tears were wetting his face and his pillow.

"I should die. I should die and take my life. No one loves me. Everyone treats me like a rag doll and a trash bag."

His depression was coming out and his suicidal thoughts were created when he was 8 years old

He couldn't breathe. He felt suffocated to the point of panic. The pain is too much that it's killing him slowly.

He started to stand and go to the C.R to wash. His legs are trembling and shaky. He slowly walked to the bathroom, and when he walked to the side of the bathroom, he smiled and took the razor.

He started to slit his wrist and his legs, and so much blood was coming from the slit. He didn't feel any pain, he felt numb.

"Pain. Pain. All I have is pain and misery"

When he looked at the mirror in his bathroom, he saw his reflection. He saw that his body was filled with bruises and hickeys. His eyes were puffy and had eye bags, his hair was messy and his cheeks were swollen due to the slap of his last client since he started to resist and fight.

He touched his bruised face and started to trail every hickey on his body.

"I'm pathetic."

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