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Shushing the brunette girl, David led her through the back hallways of Jason's house. It had been mere minutes since she told him she loved him, and they were already sneaking off.

"Where are we going?" Emily asked, giggling.

David turned his head toward her, beaming a smile at her. "Somewhere we can be alone," he said.

Upon finding a vacant guest room upstairs, David tugged Emily in, locking the door behind them. Emily sat on the bed, smirking up at David.

"What are we doing in here?" she asked.

David smiled, sitting next to her. "Well, for starters, opening my gift from you," he said, pulling the thin gift from his jacket pocket. Emily watched as he unwrapped the wrapping paper, an emotion Emily could only describe as love filling his eyes.

His eyes met hers as she began explaining the gift, saying, "There was so much I wanted to get you, but I really wanted to get you something that encompassed everything between us. So I made you this."

In David's hands was a CD titled "Songs That Made Me Fall in Love With You." On it was covers of songs she and David listened to when they were together, sang by Emily. It was more or less every song that made her fall for him without even knowing it.

"I guess, I loved you long before I accepted it or admitted it to myself," Emily said, keeping eye contact with David, "These are all the songs, in my opinion, we fell in love to."

David blinked a few times before placing the gift on the side table to Emily's left. Moving his hand from the gift to the nape of her neck, David pulled her in for a kiss. There was no feeling like the feeling of kissing David; it was pure bliss. Emily rested her right hand on his chest, slightly gripping his shirt, while her left hand rested on his thigh.

Pulling away when she was finally in need of air, Emily said, "What was that for?"

David slightly shook his head, shrugging as he smiled. "I truly never thought this moment would come," he said as his thumb stroked her cheek, "I just really love you."

Smiling, Emily grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him back to her. They lost track of time while they sat in that guest room, enjoying each others company. Just talking and laughing and spending the remainder of David's birthday together was perfect for them.

"I still can't believe this," David said.

Emily chuckled. "Is it so hard to believe that I could feel the same way for you?" she asked.

"Yes!" David exclaimed, a wide smile on his face, "Have you seen you, Em? You are way out of my league. You could literally have anyone else--"

"But I want you," she said, brushing a loose curl out of his face, "So believe it because I'm not going anywhere."

David smiled, pulling her into him once again. Her kiss was like a drug, and he couldn't get enough.

He'd finally gotten the girl.

The Master Plan worked, even if it derailed for a while. David silently thanked whatever force of nature was directing him through life as he kissed Emily. She was finally officially his, but in a way, she always had been.

From the moment they met, they were destined to be everything to each other. And though it took a while for her to realize, Emily knew David was always everything to her. So as they made their way back to David's house, laughing and exchanging compliments and kisses in the silent halls of the mansion, they knew this was forever.

"I love you," Emily murmured as her head rested on David's bare chest.

His right hand drew invisible shapes into the skin of her hip as he held her against him. Kissing her forehead gently, he whispered, "I love you so much more, Em."

Master Plan {d. dobrik}Where stories live. Discover now