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"David, what the fuck is actually wrong with you?"

He bursted out with laughter at the question as they stood outside of his house. The two point six million dollar home was currently rolling smoke out of its open windows and doors due to a science experiment David conducted for his vlog. It was a stupid idea, yes, but they all agreed it was damn cool.

"What?" David laughed at his best friends exaggerated question with his camera pointed at her.

Emily couldn't help but smile as she shook her head at her friend. "You're an idiot," she said, playfully pushing him.

He shut his camera off then looked back up at Emily. Just looking at her as her attention was on the smoke, he admired her. For almost as long as David had known Emily, which couldn't have been more than nine months, he'd felt something for the blonde.

Initially, he was only attracted to her immensely, but as time went on it became more for him. He'd developed feelings for the girl, and he wasn't sure what to do about them. He couldn't exactly come out and tell her; he cherished what they had as friends far too much to risk losing it.

David could recount the moment he realized how deep his feelings for his best friend went as easily as he could recite the alphabet.

He sat in the crevice of his couch comfortably, editing his vlog for that Friday. With his headphones on, he didn't even notice Emily walk into the house.

"Hey, Dave," she said as she slipped off her shoes.

Getting no response, she looked around the room, finding him deep into editing. She smiled slightly. Walking over to him along the backside of the couch, she pulled his headphones from his head. Looking around frantically, David relaxed when he saw her, a hand resting over his heart.

"Hey, dork," she laughed.

"Hey," he said with a small smile, "Sorry I forgot you were coming over."

She shrugged, tossing his headphones back to him. She walked around the couch, sitting next to him as she asked, "How's editing going?"

David shrugged, looking from his laptop to her blue eyes. "Could be better," he said, "I don't know. I just don't know if these clips work together."

"Let me see," Emily said, pulling his laptop from his lap to hers.

She unplugged the headphones from the laptop so they could both hear before she started watching the clips. There was the beginning clip of Josh Peck singing while playing Toddy's keyboard, which Emily determined as well fit for the beginning. After David's title screen, there was a clip of Toddy and Corinna, then one of Jason and Trish.

Next there was a clip of drunk Zane giving Matt a lap dance. The camera pans to Emily as she said, "Is it odd that it's gotten to the point where this is a normal thing for us?"

David laughed, then it switched to a clip of David's shoes as he walked into Scott, Jason and Todd's house, walking into Scott's room only to slap him. She finished watching the video before she gave her opinion.

"I don't think the clip of Zane fits, but everything else looks perfect Dave," she said with a small smile, "Just add a longer clip after the outro to meet your time."

David watched her as she spoke, nodding. "You think it's good?" David asked.

Emily placed his laptop back on his lap and turned to face him. "Davey, I think everything you do is good. Great, even," she said, "What matters is what you think of it, not me."

David's eyes lingered on her for a little longer before he forced them away. "I guess you're right," he said, letting out a breath as he closed his laptop. He stood up, stretching as he turned to face Emily. "Why don't you start a channel? People would love you," David said.

Emily shrugged, standing up and making her way into David's kitchen with him trailing behind her. She walked to the fridge as he sat in one of the barstools. She grabbed them each a water before standing on side of the island to David's left. "I don't know what I would make videos about," she simply said.

"Make vlogs."

Emily chuckled. "I'd rather just be in yours, Dave," she said. She sipped her water as she looked at him. "Besides, if I made my own vlogs I wouldn't be able to devote all my attention to you," she said. David's stomach filled with a fuzzy feeling as her words processed in his head. The feeling confused him and sent a shock through his body. He found himself liking the feeling. "My best friend that calls me at least twice a week, needing help with his edit," she finished with a smile.

There is was again.

That feeling.

He smiled back at her. "Ha ha," he said sarcastically, "I could help you like you help me, you know that."

Emily shook her head as she stepped closer to him. His stomach dropped as the distance between them decreased. "I'd rather just help you," she said with a smile, "That's what makes me happy."

David nodded in defeat, his words failing him. As Emily walked back into the living room, confusion took over David's mind. He didn't understand why he suddenly felt nervous and jittery around his best friend. As scenarios of him hugging her, kissing her and being with her ran through his mind, that feeling ran through his body again. Then he knew.

He had feelings for his best friend.

David came back to reality when Emily began to speak.

"This is gonna be a damn good vlog," she said, smiling at David.

There it was again. That feeling only Emily Neal could give him.

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