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Emily Neal was never the party type.

Despite meeting her best friend at a party three weeks after moving to LA, that party and the one she was currently at had one thing in common: Corinna Kopf dragged her to them. Though she repeatedly told the blonde she didn't want to go, Corinna managed to talk her into it. Upon arriving, Emily realized she should have just stayed home.

Emily wasn't in the mood to drink, dance or even be around a large crowd of people. Not to mention Corinna ran off to find some of her other friends the minute they arrived. Not feeling the party, Emily grabbed a sugar free Red Bull from the kitchen and made her way outside.

Sitting on the outdoor furniture, Emily got lost in her thoughts as she looked up at the dark sky. The stars were never visible in LA, which sucked monumentally, but she enjoyed the cool breeze that blew across her face. She decided, in that time of staring at the vacant sky, she would tell David how she felt. She wasn't quite sure where the burst of courage came from, but she knew she'd never know the outcome if she never tried. Emily was going to tell David she was in love with him.

She just didn't know when.


Jumping in her seat, Emily turned around, seeing a laughing David. "Asshole," she said, though butterflies swarmed in her stomach.

David jumped over the back of the couch, sitting beside Emily. "Yeah, yeah. I'm your best friend, though, so I think that says more about you," he bantered back, making her smile.

"Maybe so," she agreed, "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

David simply lifted his camera in response. "You?" he asked.

Emily sighed. "Corinna drug me along, then ran off when we got here. I didn't really want to come, so I've just been out here waiting for her," she explained.

"You'll probably be here a while then," he said knowingly.

Emily chuckled, turning her head to look into his chocolate brown eyes. "Yeah," she bumped shoulders with him, "Good thing you showed up then, huh?"

David chuckled, before silence settled over the two. Deciding to get off what had been on his chest for a while, David spoke up. "You know, Em," he said, gaining her attention once more, "I know I put you in a hard spot when I told you how I felt, but I... I just hope you know I don't hold any resentment or anything against you. You can't help how you feel, and I know that." Emily went to reply before David cut her off, "More than anything, I just want you to be happy. Whoever that's with, you have my support. Always."

Again, Emily went to reply, but again she was cut off. "David!" a drunken Zane slurred as he approached the two, "David! You have to come film this! Heath's about to jump on the beer pong table!"

David laughed, nodding to Zane, who stumbled back toward where he came from. David turned back toward Emily, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I'll see you, Em," he said before following after Zane.

Emily watched as he walked away from her, feeling tears begin to prick her eyes.

Why can't I just tell him?

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