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On the next Wednesday, Emily found herself at Victoria's Secret for the second half of her double that day. Upon the option of working a double that day opening up, she jumped at the offer. Buying David his two gifts took a pretty large chunk out of her checking account, and she refused to touch any money she had in her savings. Which wasn't a lot to begin with. It was mostly all the money David had given her when he surprised her with the New York tickets.

Living in LA was expensive. Everyone knows that. Emily's music career hadn't skyrocketed or anywhere close since she'd moved to the city. She hadn't expected it to anyway, thus, she took up a job at Victoria's Secret about three weeks after moving to the city.

Daddy Dobrik
when do you get off

Emily rolled her eyes at her best friend for the second time that day. David had already asked her twice before what time she'd be getting off, and yet again, he was asking the same question. He was set to pick her up, so that explained why he was asking, but she wished his overly active mind could contain the little information she needed it to.

you need help

seriously, how did you
survive before natalie cam around?

Daddy Dobrik
what time emily

wow you're using my legal name now

did i hit a nerve? ;)

Daddy Dobrik

for christ's sake

6 David, 6

Daddy Dobrik
i'll be there soon :)


She read at the top of her phone. It would only take David roughly twenty minutes to reach her place of work, including traffic he may or may not encounter, so she wondered why he was leaving so early.

That question was answered twenty seven minutes later when David entered the small Victoria's Secret, carrying a bag of Chipotle. He found her quickly, as she worked at the register most days, including that one. She stared at him, arms crossed and a small smile on her face.

"What're you doing here so early?" she asked.

David raised the bag, setting it on the counter in front of Emily. "I got Chipotle, figured I'd come in the get you so we could eat at one of the tables outside before I brought you home," he answered.

It was a thoughtful action. David knew Emily liked to rant about her day at work every day when she got off. Working a double meant double the rant, and it was more entertaining to actually watch her during the rant instead of watching the road. So eating with her sounded better than just letting her rant while he drove her home.

"Well, that's very thought-"

"Are you David Dobrik?"

David and Emily looked to David's left only to find a young girl, no older than fourteen, standing beside him. Emily's eyebrows furrowed while David smiled. The young girls face lit up when she realized it was, in fact, David Dobrik standing before her.

"Oh, my God! You're David Dobrik!" she yelled, attracting the attention of many customers and employees.

What happened next seemed to be out of a movie. Emily guessed between the girls loud declaration and most likely someone tweeting about David's location, the store was soon swarmed by crazed fans. Hysteria broke out, causing the store to be totally ransacked. Emily was helpless as she watched David be swarmed by fans.

She didn't know who did it, but security and the cops were both called out of concern of safety of everyone in the store. Soon, the store was cleared, almost as if the whole event hadn't happened. All that was left to remind them of it was the mess.

But Emily never touched a piece of merchandise that had been thrown around because as soon as the front doors were locked, she was called into her managers office. Thirty minutes later, she stormed out of the store, steam practically blowing out of her ears. What made it worse was David sitting on the bench right outside of the store. He now had the hood of his black sweatshirt tugged over his black cap that sat on top of his head in an attempt to mask his identity. He looked up when he heard footsteps approaching him.


"Don't," she said, holding up her hand, "I know you have good intentions when you do things like this. I know you don't mean anything by it. You don't mean for things like this to happen. But they do, David." David was silent as she spoke. Truthfully, he didn't know what to say.

"This job, as pitiful and annoying as it is, is my only job. My form of income. This place is the only reason I haven't been forced to move back to New York and live with my parents," she continued.


"I got fired," she stated, shutting David up quickly, "I got fired, and it's your fault."

David couldn't find the right words to say, so he settled with a simple, "I'm sorry."

"I know you're sorry, David," Emily began, "But you have to realize what kind of influence you have now and how big your following is. Almost anywhere you go, people are going to recognize you. I know you're sorry, I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. But it did. Now I'm out of a job, and I have no idea what I'm going to do."


"Just take me home, David," she cut him off for the third time that night.

So he did. He took her home in the silence of his car, muttering one more 'I'm sorry' when she exited his car. He didn't get a response, which made him feel even more guilty.

It was then David knew he had some major making up to do.

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