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For the next three weeks, Emily went back and forth between three places: her parents apartment, the hospital and The Metal Boot. After her conversation with Dorris, it only seemed fitting to go to her when in need of a therapy session. Not that Dorris was a therapist; she just understood.

David tried to keep up with Emily as much as he could, but considering the three hour time difference and the constant pace of David's day, he barely had time to call. Texting was his best friend when it came to Emily for those three weeks. At least she'd see his text when she got around to it and could text him back.

On Emily's end, she didn't want to disturb David. He was a busy man, and being his assistant and friend, she knew how hectic his days were. She didn't want to burden him while he already had so much on his plate.

Going into the hospital the fourth week she was in New York felt eerie. She didn't know why, but it felt different.

As she exited the elevator on to the fourth floor, she quickly understood. Her fathers room was empty, neither her mother nor the doctor anywhere to be found.

Walking to the receptionist desk, Emily asked, "Hi. Um, I noticed my dad, Warren Neal, isn't in his room anymore. Can you tell me where he is?"

The nurse at the desk grabbed Warren's chart, a solemn look washing over her face soon after. Looking up at Emily with a sad smile, the nurse said, "Just give me one second. I'll page Warren's doctor for you."

Emily nodded in understanding, her nerves not settling. Warren's cancer was stage four and inoperable, so it wasn't likely for Emily to be thinking the best. Anything could've happened, and yet she stood there in the middle of the corridor, lost in her thoughts as she waited for her fathers doctor.

"Emily Neal?" someone called out as they looked around the room, gaining Emily's attention.

She walked closer to the Doctor Smith. "Is my dad okay?" she asked in a low tone.

Doctor Smith sighed, looking upon Emily with sad eyes. "Last night, your dad's scans came back much worse than previous ones. We've moved him to a new room to make him feel more... comfortable," Doctor Smith explained. Emily knew where the conversation was going, which made it that much harder to fight back her tears. "I'm so sorry. He doesn't have much time left, Emily. You and your family should spend as much time with Warren as you can."

Sniffling, she wiped her tears in an attempt to appear strong for her dad's sake. He was in enough pain; he didn't need to bare hers as well. "Where's his new room?"

Doctor Smith took her to her fathers new room, leaving her to her family as they reached the door. Wasting no time, Emily entered the room, walking over to her dad with a small smile on her face.

"Hey, Dad," she said weakly, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, Nelly," Warren said, attempting to hide his pain with a smile. "I'm glad both of my girls are here."

A tear fell down Emily's cheek as she grasped her dad's hand. "There's no where I'd rather be right now," she admitted.

"Don't cry, baby," Warren said, swiping his cold thumb across his daughters cheek to rid it of tears.

"I can't help it," she choked out, more tears falling down her face. "I can't-I can't do this without you, Dad."

"Yes, you can, Em," he said. He grabbed Nora's hand as well before saying, "You both can. You both are the strongest women I've ever met, and I can rest peacefully knowing you both will carry on without me with grace.

"Nora, I love you with my entire heart. I always have. You take care of our girl, okay? I love you so much, baby.

"Emily, you're my proudest accomplishment in this life. There's nothing you do that doesn't amaze me. I know you'll have to go on without me, but trust me, I will be there every step of the way. You have to live your life to the fullest." A rough cough cut Warren off, reminding the family his time left with them was much more limited than they initially thought.

Squeezing his daughters hand tighter, Warren continued, "When you produce your first song, your first album... on the day of your first concert and even on your wedding day... I'll be there," he reassured her, wiping away more of her tears, "Promise me one thing, Em."

"What's that?" she sniffled.

"Stop thinking you aren't good enough for him."

Emily's eyebrows furrowed. "Wha-?"

"You think I don't know that he loves you?" Warren said, a small smile gracing his face before he let out another cough. "That boy loves you, Emily. So let him love you."

Emily didn't know what her future held, but she knew in that moment her Dad's words would remain at the back of her mind.

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