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Corinna cursed loudly, making Emily look up at the blonde from her spot on the couch.

Needing girl time, Emily headed over to Corinna's. She hadn't seen Natalie in a while other than their facetime call a few days before, but she also couldn't go to Natalie's place like she could Corinna's. Natalie's place was David's place, and Emily still wasn't ready to talk to David about what happened.

She truly missed him; that much was obvious. She and David were pretty much inseparable before she knew how he felt, and now she hadn't seen him in almost two months. It was odd to be without him, which made her feel like that should tell her something.

It didn't. She was still confused as all hell. So she went to Corinna's.

"Lost again?"

"I got rocketed!" the blonde yelled back, making Emily laugh.

While Corinna was happy to have the Neal girl over, she also had a streaming schedule, and she didn't want to cancel on her viewers. So, while Corinna streamed, Emily went between waiting and watching. Corinna was actually pretty good at Fortnite, which made watching her play entertaining. At one point, Corinna even let Emily play.

She was much worse at the game than Corinna, so she didn't play for very long. While she was playing, though, she happened to notice the chat going on about David watching the stream. Emily was still extremely nervous to talk to him, but seeing him in the chat gave her a weird sense of hope.

"F's in the chat for Emily," Corinna laughed from behind her.

Emily's mouth gaped open. "Rin! I'm trying my best!" Emily laughed.

"Your best sucks," Corinna joked, making Emily smile.

DavidDobrik: corinna's just mad because the viewers aren't here for emily's cleavage like they are with her

Emily chuckled. "What?" Corinna asked.

Emily pointed to David's comment, making Corinna smirk. It was completely evident to the blonde how infatuated with David Emily was. She'd never tell the Neal girl that, but it didn't matter. Corinna trusted the process, and the process said time spent apart would do the two best friends good in the end.

"David, get off of my stream!"

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