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Holding a large blanket in her right hand and her flip flops in her left, Emily watched her feet as the sand around them kicked up with each of her steps. She looked to her left, watching her curly haired best friend as he carried their bag of Chipotle and his laptop. He'd downloaded a few episodes of Breaking Bad the night before so they could watch it while they ate.

Upon picking a spot, Emily rolled out the large blanket. David set down the bag of food on the blanket before he kicked off his black Vans and sat down beside Emily who had already gotten comfortable and set up the laptop. David handed her her burrito as she started the first episode of the evening.

Emily was just about finished with her burrito when David paused the episode. She looked over at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Thought we could talk for a sec," he explained.

Emily nodded in compliance, setting down the remaining portion of her burrito as she faced him. "'Bout what?" she asked, wiping her hands on a napkin.

"Misty," he said.

Misty was the name Emily ended up giving David's crush so they wouldn't have to call her mystery girl anymore. David let it slide purely for the fact that it made it easier to talk about Emily to Emily without Emily knowing it was about her.

Emily nodded. "What about her?" she asked.

David bit his bottom lip nervously. "I think, maybe, when I get the balls to do it, I want to ask her on a date," he said, making Emily's eyes go wide and an unknown feeling swarm in her stomach.


"Yeah," David confirmed, "But I wanted your input."

"Obviously," Emily joked with a smile.

"Shut up," David said, chuckling, "Anyway, what's your idea of a perfect date?"

"Why mine?"

David shrugged, trying to fight the blush forming on his cheeks. "Because you're a girl," he said like it was obvious.

"Well, honestly no girls perfect date is the same," she started, "But for me, I guess something simple. I'm not hard to please, so maybe a picnic on the beach or under the stars. Or even just in the guys living room, to be honest." David smiled at her as she went on. "Honestly, just something genuine. That's always the best way to go, no matter who the person is."

David nodded, running a hand through his hair. "What about your dream guy?" he asked, "What's he like?" Emily gave David a weird look, prompting him to continue with, "We're always talking about my love life, so let's talk about yours."

Emily groaned, although a smile remained on her face. "Ugh, fine," she caved, "I guess, no one is truly perfect, but my ideal guy would be someone who truly loves me for me. Someone who would support me through anything. Someone who makes life worth living.

"Obviously, you can't help who you love, but in my head, my ideal guy is someone who's passionate about what he does and the life he lives. He's not afraid to voice his opinion, but he knows when to hold back." David nodded as she continued. "I'd like to say I want the type of love you see in the movies, but I've yet to see that anywhere in real life."

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