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"What if we all dress in gold since, you know, it's his golden birthday?" Emily offered the option.

Natalie nodded. "Yes! That would be cool," she responded, "We should do something cool and unique for him, too."

Emily though for a moment, wondering what could possibly surprise David Dobrik. The man didn't get scared or surprised by anything, so it would have to be something unique.

"What if we did something centered around his vlogs?" Emily suggested, "Like, all of us come up with a bit for his vlog and he can draw from a hat a few times, and whoever's bits he picks we have to do it, no questions asked."

"I like it! But not the hat," Natalie said, "It has to be something more entertaining to watch. Something like a..."

"...Like a spinning wheel?"

Natalie gasped. "The Wheel of Dobrik!"

"Perfect," Emily smiled, "I really hope he likes it."

"He'll love it, Em. You know how easily impressed David is," Natalie said. Emily laughed in agreement. "Anyway, how are you and him?"

Emily let out a breath. She hadn't told anyone but Whitney about her feelings for David. Confessing to her childhood best friend was one thing, but telling all of her friends that were also David's friends was a different story. If anyone was going to tell David how she felt, it would be Emily, so she didn't want to risk word getting around to him.

That being said, Natalie Mariduena could keep a secret like her life depended on it, so Emily fessed up.

"Other than the fact that I realized I'm totally and completely in love with him, I'd say we're back to normal."

Natalie halted all her movements, turning to Emily. "Shut up. You better not be fucking joking, Emily," Natalie threatened.

"I'm not."

"You're in love with him?"

Emily nodded.

"With David?"

"Yes, Nat."

Natalie squealed, pulling Emily in for a hug. "You have to tell him!" Natalie said, a wide grin on her face.

"I don't know," Emily trailed off with a shy look crossing her face, "I mean, its been a long time since he told me how he felt. What if he's moved on?"

Natalie scoffed. "There's no fucking way David moved on from you. Every conversation with him somehow involves you, and he's always glued to your hip no matter what," she said, "He's in love with you, Em. I'd be a shitty best friend if I couldn't see that."

Emily sighed. She wanted to David; she truly did. Telling him and wanting to tell him were different things though. Telling him meant everything would change, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that. Soon she'd figured it out, though.

Then everything would change.

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