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"Do you think David has wet dreams about Emily?"

"Okay, definitely not an image I want in my head, Corinna."

"Hey, I'm just saying. Dudes mad in love with her, so it makes sense."

"Can we stop talking about how in love with me David is," Emily butted into her two friends conversation, "Look, David and I are finally back to normal after everything that happened. I really don't want any thoughts in my head that may lead to me overthinking this whole thing, so let's just have a relaxing day on the beach. Okay?"

"Okay," the two girls on either side of Emily chorused.

A beat of silence passed over the three girls, allowing Emily to settle her nerves.

It only lasted a good three minutes, though, before Corinna said, "Okay, but we agree that David has wet dreams about Emily?"

Emily groaned, pulling out her phone to text the man of the hour himself.

saturday, 2:34 pm
davey boy


plz kill me

take me out, put me
out of my misery
right now

anything better than listening
to corinna talk about
wet dreams

specifically your wet dreams

okay woah

that's a lot, i have
so many questions

why is corinna concerned with
my sexual dreams

why is that making you
want to kill yourself

are you truly that repulsed
by me

she thinks you have
wet dreams about one
of our friends

i want to kill myself because
she won't shut up about it
i think she's obsessed with

no, you're truly a delight


no need for the sarcasm

also, its be well established that
corinna is obsessed with me

what are you doing rn?

trying to orchestrate the next
nerf war

it'd be good for the vlog

you're on my team

why do i have to be on your team

what do you mean why
do you have to be on my team??

you're my best friend who's
team do you think you'd be


you'd like that wouldn't you

im just teasing dave
obviously i'd be on your team

i'm always on your team

good because if i'm gonna beat
todd and alex i need you

yeah yeah i carry the team
we been knew

i hope you know i take offense
to that


when are you coming back

can you entertain yourself without
me for longer than five minutes?


i was fully expecting that answer

i just miss you

That was all it took for Emily's chest to fill with warmth and her cheeks to heat up. Four words from her best friend, and her head was spinning. It confused her immensely. All David said was the he missed her; the two said it all the time. So why did this time feel different?

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