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A tear fell down her cheek as he spoke.

"Hi," she whispered

David chuckled before he spoke. "Nice to finally hear from you," he said, "It's been, what, a week?"

"Three days, genius," she shot back.

"Well, it's felt like a week without you here," he said, smiling.

Silence settled between them. Emily was grateful to hear her best friends voice, yet still riddled with sadness. If he asked why she'd returned to New York, she didn't know if she could keep it from him. If she did, he'd at least know she was safe and okay. If she told him the real reason she was in New York, he'd make sure to fly out to be with her. While the thought of that flattered her and made her stomach swarm, David was a busy guy. He rarely ever took a day off or had down time, and if he came to New York for her, he'd miss out on so much potential content.

"What's going on, Em?" he asked after a minute of silence.

Emily let out a breath, tears beginning to well in her eyes. "If I tell you, you have to promise me you won't come out here," she said.

"I mean, Em, if you need me to, I-"

"No," Emily cut him off, "Promise me you won't come."


"Promise me."

David sighed, giving in. "Fine," he said, "I won't come. Just please tell me what's going on."

"It's my dad."

That began an hour long conversation between the two friends. Emily explained everything to David, mentioning she didn't know when she'd be back. As her boss, David was completely okay with Emily staying in New York for the foreseeable future. As her best friend, he wanted nothing more than to be by her side. But he made her a promise, and he intended on keeping that promise.

Once Emily hung up with David, she went back to the hospital. Warren was asleep when she got back, and Nora looked on the verge of the same fate. Quietly, Emily dropped the bag by her mother's feet, causing Nora to look up at Emily.

"I'll be in the waiting room if you need me," Emily said, "Doctor said only one visitor at a time."

Nora nodded, smiling lightly at her daughter before she retreated into the hallway. Pulling out her phone, Emily called the only person that could take her mind off of everything.



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