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David sat next to Natalie on his couch, spacing out while they attempted to get the work before them done. He didn't know what made that day different, but his mind was racing more than usual. He couldn't get her off of his mind, and he began to feel trapped inside his own head. The option of confiding in Natalie about his feelings continuously crossed his mind, but he couldn't decide if that was a good idea or not.

"David!" Natalie called out, snapping him out of his trance.

"Huh?" David said involuntarily, blinking quickly as he turned his head toward his assistant.

"You okay?" she asked.

David let out a breath. "Honestly, no," he admitted.

Natalie placed the laptop she had on her lap on the coffee table in front of them and turned her body toward her best friend. She could see the conflicted look on his face, making her even more intrigued.

"What's wrong, Dave?" she asked.

David groaned, running his hands over his face. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone," he said.


"Like anyone."

"Okay, Dave."

"Nat, like, anyone-"

"I get it, Dave."

He bit his bottom lip nervously, looking back and forth between Natalie's brown eyes.

"I have feelings for Emily," he said, feeling like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. A wide grin spread across Natalie's face, her hands clapping together softly out of happiness. She didn't say anything, so David spoke up again. "I know, it's stupid. I shouldn't feel like-"

"No!" Natalie exclaimed, "No, Dave. I think this is great. I've been routing for you two since you met! Are you gonna tell her?"

He let out yet another breath, running a hand through his hair. "Well, currently she's dead set out helping me win the heart of my 'mystery girl.' She just doesn't know it's her," he explained. Natalie looked at him with a pointed look. "What?" Natalie scoffed and swatted his arm. "Ow! What, Nat?!"

"You do realize you can turn this into your benefit, right?" she asked in a duh tone.


Natalie let out an agitated breath. "You said she's trying to help you out. Well, knowing her, she'll want to set up a first date or you confessing your feelings or something," Natalie explained, "When that happens, you make her see that it's been her all along."

A smile slowly worked its way on to David's face. He wondered how he hadn't thought of that in the first place. It was then he decided when Emily wanted to talk about the situation again he would instill the idea of a first date. And thus, his own plan began.

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