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Once more in the span of two weeks, Emily Neal was sobbing on her friends doorstep. Only this time, it was Corinna's instead of David's. The blonde swung her front door open, immediately engulfing her friend into a hug.

Emily texted Corinna ahead of time, unlike she did with David, letting her know she was coming over. Corinna was ready for whatever it was Emily wanted to talk about, and quite frankly, she was eager to hear about it. Natalie and Corinna kept up with the Demily (David + Emily) situation, and often texted about it. So when Natalie informed Corinna of her conversation with David, it was only a matter of time before Emily came to her to talk.

"What happened?" Corinna asked as the two girls sat on her couch.

Emily shrugged. "He comforted me last week when I had a breakdown about my dad, and it seemed like we made up. But yesterday when I was at his house with Natalie, he hardly spared me a glance," Emily choked out, still crying, "I just... I don't know what to do, Rin. I miss him so much it hurts. I think I... I think I made a mistake."

"What do you mean?" Corinna asked.

"I mean," Emily started, "I think rejecting David was wrong. I think giving him a chance would've been a better choice than losing him all together."

Corinna sighed. "If you would've given him a chance without reciprocating those feelings, you would've hurt him even more, Em," she said.

Emily nodded. "He's the perfect guy, I know that. He's probably the best person out there for me, but I just... I'm scared, Rin," Emily admitted.

Corinna nodded. "Sometimes you have to overcome a fear to realize something great would come from it," she said.

Emily nodded, wiping the stray tears from her face. A few minutes passed before Emily spoke again, "I'm not saying I'm in love with David, but I don't think he's just a friend anymore, Rin. And that terrifies me."

"Fear is good. It makes you human, Em. But instead of pushing that fear to the back of your mind, embrace it and see where it takes you."

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