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"So, first question-"

"Are we really doing this, Em?"

Emily stared at her best friend in shock. "Yes, David!" she exclaimed, "How am I supposed to help you win this girls heart if I know nothing about her?"

Truthfully, the anticipation of the whole series of questions Emily had coming for David made him more nervous than anything. How was he supposed to answer questions about her and not let her know his answers were about her? The whole idea of Emily helping him made his head hurt and his heart race. David let out a breath, but let Emily continue anyway.

"First question," she began again, looking at the small notebook she held in the crook of her arm, "What's her go-to food?"

"Restaurant or just food in general?" David asked.

Emily shrugged before saying, "Either one."

He thought for a moment. "Chipotle for restaurant, and she doesn't really have a specific favorite food."

Emily nodded, writing his answer down as he spoke. "Got it," she muttered, clearing her throat before continuing, "Next question, where is she from?"

He contemplated making something up so Emily wouldn't get suspicious, but he decided the less lies the better. "New York," he said.

"Nice," she smiled, "Representing my city." David chuckled as Emily continued. "Favorite clothing brand?"

"Clickbait, for sure," he smiled.

Emily smiled, swatting his head softly, "Seriously, Dave."

"I don't know, Em," he said honestly. He had no idea where Emily shopped, so he answered with the next best thing. "I mean, she dresses like you, I guess."

Emily nodded with a pleased look. "A girl with taste. I like her already," she smiled.

"You have no idea," David said under his breath.

Emily finished writing before she began speaking again. "Okay, last question," she spoke, going David's attention once again, "Why do you like her so much?"


Emily smiled slightly, closing the notebook and placing it on the bed beside her. She bit her bottom lip lightly before scooting closer to her best friend. She took one of his large hands in both of her small ones. "Look, this girl obviously means a lot to you. I know how picky you are when it comes to dating, so obviously she's pretty great," Emily said honestly, "I just want to make sure she's not going to hurt you. What makes her the only exception for you?"

David stared at her wordlessly. He wanted so badly to kiss her in that moment, but he couldn't find it in him to make the move. Emily Neal was absolutely perfect in his eyes, and she didn't even see it. He looked down at their locked hands, making butterflies swarm inside him. If only you knew.

He shrugged, trying to form an explanation. "She's... perfect. I don't know how else to describe her," he began, "I don't know. It's like when I'm around her, nothing else matters. She brings out the best in me. She's got these gorgeous blue eyes, and her smile... God, I don't know, Em, it's-She's different."

Emily stared back into his dark brown eyes, an unknown emotion swirling around in hers. David wasn't particularly good at reading people, but the look her eyes held almost resembled hurt. But that couldn't be right. He was more than sure Emily didn't look at him any way other than a friend.


"I'm so happy for you," Emily said with a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes, "I know one day I'll get to meet her and see what makes her so special, but until then I'll take your word for it." She patted his hadn't before hopping out of his bed.

"Where you goin'?" he asked.

"Got a video chat date with Whitney."

Whitney Sterling, Emily's best friend from New York, was a beautiful blonde with tan skin and bright blue eyes. She was a model which left her time with little free time, so when Emily had time to video chat or call her, she did.

David nodded. "Well, I'll be here if you get bored of her," he smirked.

"Ha. Ha," she mocked, "I'll see you later, Doby."

"Bye," he called out, watching her as she exited his room.

As he heard the front door close, he wondered when he'd grow the courage to tell Emily how he felt. That the mystery girl was her all along.

"I'm so screwed."

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