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Two days later Warren passed away.

It happened while he was asleep, so he went peacefully. His funeral service was three days later, and it was beautiful. Emily's whole family flew out to New York for it. She thought about inviting her friends, but she couldn't even bring herself to break the news of her fathers death to them.

She couldn't say it out loud. She could say he's dead because then that would make it real, and she had no idea where to go from there.

"I can stay, Mom-"

"Emily," Nora said sternly, shuttling Emily up, "No. You need to get back to California. To your friends and your career. I know you're just a phone call away if I need to talk."

Emily's eyes welled with tears as she pulled her mom in for a hug. "I just miss him so much already," she said.

"So do I, baby," Nora said, tightening their embrace, "But you know he'd want you to get on with your life, Em."

Emily nodded as they pulled away. "He'd say, 'The hell are you still doin' here?' Then push me out the door so I wouldn't miss my flight," she said, laughing.

"Exactly," Nora said with a smile, "So you get back to those friends of yours, and call me when you land."

Emily nodded again, pulling her mom into another embrace. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you, too, honey," Nora said, "Now, go before you miss your flight."

Emily smiled slightly as she backed away from her mom toward the direction of her gate.

Eventually she made it to her flight, and six hours later she landed at LAX. Taking an Uber to her apartment, Emily was surprised to find her curly headed best friend outside her door. She was met face to face with him as he turned around to exit the complex.

"Holy...," he breathed out, startled, "I, uh,... you're back."

Emily nodded. "I'm back," she said with a small smile. She maneuvered around him to unlock her door.

"Are you... Are you okay?" David said hesitantly.

Emily let out a long breath. "You know, people have been asking me that all week," she said as she pushed the door open, "So why don't you come in and comfort me while I cry?"

David followed her in and did exactly that. He hugged her close to his chest and rubbed her back while she cried and told him how much she missed her Dad. David had no idea what it was like to lose a parent, but he knew how to comfort his best friend.

Seeing Emily cry broke his heart; he wished there was something he could do to take her pain away, but the best he could do was be there for her.

Sitting up to look at David, Emily wiped her tears as David's hand fell from her shoulder to her waist. "I'm sorry about your shirt," Emily said, poking the wet spot on David's black long sleeve.

He looked down at her finger, pulling it away from his shirt. Wrapping his hand around hers, David said, "That's why I wear black." Emily chuckled, looking away from David.

"Ugh! I hate crying," Emily exclaimed, "My dad wouldn't want me to be sitting here crying."

"You're allowed to mourn, Em."

"I know," she said, rubbing her eye, "I know, I just- Let's talk about something else. Please?"

David puffed his cheeks out before letting them deflate, his lips flapping quickly. "Okay. What do you want to talk about?" he asked.

"How are things with Misty?" Emily asked, making David look at her lazily. "Oh, come on, Dave! Please! Have you talked to her recently? Any signs of reciprocated feelings? Have you even made a plan of how you're going to tell her?"

"Yes, no and no, Em," David said, "Look, she's been out of state too, actually, so no I haven't really thought about how I'm going to tell her. I do want to tell her soon though. I think it's time I get this off my chest, you know?"

"For sure!" Emily smiled, "Have you thought about how you're going to do it? Wait! Don't answer that!"

"You're making me nervous."


"Because of the look you have on your face."

"Well, if I may offer a suggestion-"


Emily scoffed. "Why?" she cooed.

David laughed sarcastically. "Because you'll make me plan something completely over the top, and seriously, I just want to confess. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture."

Emily huffed, giving her best friend a bored look. "Fine, but still least be cute about it," she said.

David smirked. "How could it not be cute when I'm the one doing it?" he said cockily, earning a hit to the face with a pillow.

"Okay, OW!"

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