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Emily gnawed at her bottom lip as the phone against her ear rang. She was nervous and terrified all at the same time, which overwhelmed her, which led to her hiding from David in the comfort of her apartment.

The curly headed boy was beginning to worry about her. She'd rushed out of his house with a vague excuse, then ignored his texts for the next week. David wanted to show up at her apartment, but held off from doing so. As much as he hated to admit it, things between him and Emily were different now. Before she knew he was in love with her, showing up to check on her was no big deal, but now he was afraid it made him look like he was pushing something that wasn't there. So he was left to text her until she answered.

Which hadn't happened yet.

"Finally!" Emily exclaimed when the call went through, "Only took you a decade to pick up."

"Sorry, we all don't work from our phones and have time to drop everything for a phone call," Whitney bit back, making Emily roll her eyes, "What's up?"

"I'm in love with David."

"Emily! Oh, my God, really? That's great."



"It's not great," Emily groaned.

Whitney scoffed. "How is this not great? You already know he feels the same way," she said, "Just tell him."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

Emily sighed. She was terrified to tell David. Telling him meant it would be real. It meant they weren't just friends anymore, no matter how much they tried to be. She was terrified they would crash and burn, and she would lose him for good.

"Well, besides the fact that I rejected him three months ago," she trailed off, "I'm terrified, Whit."

Whitney sighed, gathering her thoughts. She'd been there for Emily in so many stages of her life. From high school to marrying Derek to divorcing Derek to now. Whitney knew what Emily went through with Derek and how badly the aftermath of it affected her. But she also knew David was nothing like Derek. "Em, David is absolutely nothing like Derek, and you know it. I know you're scared, but that boy loves you more than anything. He'd go through anything to make you happy," Whitney stated, "It's okay to be scared. It's okay to take things slowly, just to see where it goes. And if it doesn't go anywhere or if it ends later on, it's okay, Em. You're strong; you'll be okay. But you and David are so different from you and Derek. You'll never know until you try, babe."

Emily nodded, taking in her friends words. Whitney always knew what to say, which was why Emily always went to her for advice. "Thank you," Emily said, "I'm going to tell him. I just don't know when."

"Take your time. You know he's not going anywhere."

Emily chuckled, agreeing. "I need to text him. He's been texting me for days, and I haven't answered," Emily said, "I'll call you later, yeah?"

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything."

Emily agreed, then hung up so she could text David back.

tuesday, 5:27 pm

davey boy



"hey?" that's all I get?

well.. yeah?

emily you rushed out of my house then
proceeded to ignore me for
a week

and now all I get is a "hey"

im sorry
something came up and I had to go

as for the last week

I've just been really busy so im sorry

you just had me concerned

I promise im okay

your birthday is coming up :)

please don't make a big deal of it

David its your golden birthday

obviously im going to make a big deal of it

I just want low key thing with my friends

em seriously

Emily Neal do not ignore me

I will show up at your house with a
paint ball gun

im kidding

I would never shoot you

READ 5:56 PM

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