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Entering Corinna's apartment with Natalie, Emily groaned. Since David confessed to Emily, there was an obvious lack of her in his vlogs, leading fans
- and paparazzi, apparently - to wonder and speculate. On their morning coffee run, Natalie and Emily were photographed together, which soon turned into a full blow article about the Neal girl.

"How is this legal? It's basically stalking," Emily complained to the blonde.

"Why don't you just talk to David? Then everyone will stop making you two the headline of every low-life article on Instagram," Corinna said.

"Yeah," Natalie agreed, "If it makes you feel better, David's completely lost without you."

Emily groaned once more. "That doesn't make me feel better, Nat," she said, "If anything, it makes me feel worse. I mean, he's my best friend, you know? We used to talk everyday, wether that was hanging out or just texting. And now? I don't know. He's had feeling for me for months, and I had no clue. How am I supposed to feel about that?"

"Look, you're allowed to take some time for yourself and figure out what you want. You deserve that and so does David," Natalie said, "So, focus on yourself right now, and when you're ready to talk, talk."

Emily let out a breath as Corinna asked, "Are you coming with me to fashion week?"

Emily nodded, "Yeah. While we're there, I want to see my mom. We can stay with her if you want. I'm sure she'll love the company." Corinna agreed.

"I wish I was going to fashion week," Natalie groaned, "The most exciting thing about my week will be the two hours of Netflix I get to watch in the morning before I have to wake David up."

Both girls looked at Natalie with sorry faces. "Anyway, this will be a great chance for you to get away from here and focus on what you want," Corinna said.

Emily nodded. "Maybe I should talk to my mom about it," she muttered.

"For sure," both girls chorused.

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