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"How are you, babe?"

"I mean, considering in the last month and a half I have found out my Dad had cancer, spent the following four weeks in New York by his death bed, was told he was going to die then he did die, I'd say I'm doing oddly satisfactory," Emily answered sarcastically.

Whitney gave her best friend a bored look as she subconsciously picked at her nails. "You know, I know you're using humor to get through this, but it doesn't always sound like it's going well when you explain it," she said.

Emily smiled slightly. "Honestly, I'm okay, Whit. David's been helping a lot like the angel he is," Emily said, causing Whitney face to twist. "What? What's that look?"

"What look?"

"The look on your face right now, Whitney. That look."

Whitney huffed, dropping her hands into her lap. "I mean, have you ever thought about David as, I don't know, more than a friend?" she asked cautiously.

"Seriously? You sound like my Mom," Emily groaned.

"Because she's right, Em!" Whitney exclaimed, "Think about it. I've never once seen you unhappy around him, you're constantly talking to him even if you aren't with him, and you always make it a point to make sure he's happy."

"Have you ever thought that maybe I do that because, I don't know, he's my best friend, and I want him to be happy?" Emily shot back, "Honestly, a guy and a girl can be friends and not have any sexual tension between them."

"Honey, I was saying you might have feelings for him, not that there's sexual tension between you two," Whitney stared, "Which, there for sure is. No doubt."

Emily rolled her eyes as she grabbed her phone and walked to her kitchen. Holding the phone up to her face so Whitney could still see her as she looked for a snack, Emily said, "You know, I like to think I'd have some will power when it comes to sleeping with my best friend."

"I actually think sleeping with him would solve a lot of your problems," she murmured. Whitney sighed before continuing, "Look, Em, all I'm saying is, if you ever did realize you have feelings for him, I would fully support you. I, for one, think David is perfect for you," she finished, making Emily think.

Do I like David?

Sure, David was amazing, and he'd drop anything to be there for her; he proved that many times. But did she see him as more than a friend.

Remembering what her father told her that last week in New York, Emily could see where he and Whitney were coming from. But where they right?

Emily nodded as she snapped out of her thoughts. "Look, Whit, I have to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Whitney nodded. "Just... Don't be afraid to let David, or whoever it may be in the future, in romantically because of your past, okay? Not everyone is Derek Rome," Whitney said.

"Thank you," Emily said.

They soon hung up, leaving Emily with her thoughts.

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