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Fashion Week was a lot more intense than Emily expected it to be.

While Emily obviously knew she would be accompanied by Corinna, the blonde failed to mention Liza Koshy would be there as well. Emily had nothing against Liza, in fact, she adored the girl. Though, during that week, Emily couldn't help but feel extremely awkward around her due to the confession her best friend, Liza's ex boyfriend, had just made a week before.

If Liza knew about the confession, which Emily doubted she did, she didn't bring it up or let it affect the way she treated Emily. Liza was a little ray of sunshine to anyone she was around, which was why Emily loved her. It was quite impossible not to.

"So, how's everyone?" Liza asked when the three girls sat down at a café for breakfast one morning, "I've been so busy, I haven't really gotten to catch up with everyone in a while."

Corinna shrugged. "I mean, we're all pretty much the same. Heath and Mariah are being all cute and making us feel severely depressed. Zane's been drunk. Carly and Erin made us try more Starbucks secret menu items the other day. David told Emily he's in love with her. Natalie is-"

"Woah, woah, woah," Liza backtracked, turning her attention to Emily, "David told you he's in love with you?"

Emily darted her eyes between Liza's and the ice in her cup she'd been twirling with her straw. "Uh, yeah," she trailed off, "I didn't want it to be weird between us if I mentioned it."

A smile widened on Liza's face as she chuckled. "Oh, honey, I've known for months," she said.

"You have?" Corinna and Emily chorused.

Liza nodded. "David called me up frantic one night, freaking out about his feelings for you," she began explaining, "He was so scared to tell you because he was afraid to lose you, Em."

Emily sighed. "Look, David is amazing. He's the perfectly perfect person for me, I know that," she said.

"Then what's holding you back?" Corinna asked.

"The fact that he's my best friend," Emily said, "He's the one person I've opened up to as much as I have since I met my childhood best friend from New York. He's special, and I don't know if I can risk losing everything we already have for something I'm unsure of."

Liza nodded in understanding. "Emily, no one will know when you're ready for something new except you. You get to decide when you're ready," Liza began, "David cares about and loves you more than I have seen him with anyone. He will understand if you need time."

"When did you become so wise?"

Liza shrugged. "It's just another alter ego I have."

After breakfast, Emily and Corinna stopped back at her mom's apartment to hangout before their early flight back home the next day. Truthfully, Emily wanted to talk to her mom about David. She had so much going on in her head and needed her mom.

Corinna loved Nora Neal. Oddly enough, the two women clicked better than any of Emily's other friends had with Nora. She loved it and appreciated it.

"So what's going on in LA?" Nora asked once the three women sat down in the living room.

Emily let out a breath. "I, uh, actually wanted to talk to you about that," Nora gave her daughter a look, urging her to continue, "David told me he's in love with me."


"What d'ya mean finally?"

"I mean, you've been so oblivious, sweetheart. No offense, but whew," Nora said, making Emily's jaw drop and Corinna chuckle.

"I can't say I don't agree," Corinna chimed in.

"So did everyone know, but me?" Emily asked.

"Honey, I told you multiple times he was in love with you," Nora pointed out, "You denied it."

"She did the same with me."

"Okay," Emily butt in before her mom could speak again, "So I was a little oblivious."

Corinna made a face of objection. "A lot oblivious, Em," she stared, making Emily roll her eyes, "Look, all that matters is you know now, so what you do what that information is totally up to you. Ball's in your court, sweetie."

Nora nodded. "She's right," she agreed.

Emily rubbed her face in frustration. "I don't know what I want, Mom," she groaned, "He's David. Obviously he's about as great as it gets as far as a guy for me, but... I don't know. I love what we have now. How can I make a choice to put all of that in jeopardy for something I'm not sure of?"

Nora, playing devil's advocate, said, "Honestly, sweetie, you made that decision the minute you turned him away."

Emily didn't answer, devising to sit with her mother's words.

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