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The day David met Emily was a day that was safely stored away in his mind for safe keeping. It was a day he'd remember forever.

Yet another party was taking place at the two point six million dollar mansion in the hills, the house of David Dobrik himself. The Slovakian YouTube Vlogger had a tendency of not knowing most of the people at his parties since they were essentially used purely for vlog content, and he was okay with that.

Until he saw her.

Her brown hair flowed effortlessly down her back as she beamed at Corinna. Her entire face lit up as she laughed, and David found it hard to tear his gaze from her. He needed to know her.

"Nice party, man!" a man David didn't recognize said as he hit his shoulder, gaining his attention.

"Uh, yeah, thanks, man," David said, quickly turning his attention back to Corinna and her friend.

His eyes focused back on the spot the two girls had just been only to find them gone. David let out a breath, looking down at his camera as he began making his way outside.

"David!" he heard a voice sound as his wrist was caught, making him look behind him.

There she stood. The mystery girl, standing behind Corinna.

Corinna let go of David's wrist when he turned toward them. "Hey, this is Emily," Corinna said, motioning to the girl behind her, "She just moved here from New York. Thought she could use some friends, so I'm introducing her to everyone!"

David nodded, flashing a smile toward the girl. He stuck his hand out to her, saying, "Nice to meet you. I'm David."

She smiled back at him. "Emily Neal," she replied, taking his hand in hers and shaking it.

"Okay! I'm gonna go introduce her to the girls," Corinna said, "Catch up with you later, Dave!"

Emily's eyes stayed locked on David's as Corinna pulled her away. David's heart was beating out of his chest as he watched her. With his breakup with his now ex girlfriend, Liza, unknown to the world, including his friends, it wasn't like David could just be with someone else. So he decided to do the next best thing.

Be her friend.

Emily and David had hung out multiple times since then, but it wasn't until Emily walked in on David in the midst of a breakdown when they became closer than ever.

Emily walked into David's house, not bothering to knock, and took her shoes off. She'd learned David's house had a no-shoe rule quite quickly, seeing as he wasn't shy about telling someone to take their shoes off when they failed to do so upon entering. She looked around the entrance of the house, the kitchen and the living room, failing to find the messy haired boy. Hearing faint cries coming from the boys room, her stomach dropped. Sure, the crying could be coming from a video or a movie, but Emily was fairly certain that wasn't the case.

Hesitantly, Emily opened one of the double doors to the large room, poking her head in. "Dave?" she called out quietly. She continued into his room, seeing the vlogger in his bed with pillows propped up behind his head and his comforter pulled up to his chin. "Aw, Dave," she said quietly, looking at him with sad eyes.

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