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Another groan left Emily's lips as she buried her face in the cushion of David's couch. He laughed at the sound, looking over at her from his kitchen. The two friends had been inseparable since he showed up at her apartment the week before. They never had fights; it just wasn't in their nature. So Emily trusted in that fact, hoping they never got in another fight again.

"What's wrong now?" David chuckled.

Emily craned her neck, twisting her torso to glare at her best friend. "What do you mean 'now'?" she asked tauntingly.

"I mean, that's the third time you've groaned in the past twenty minutes, so either you're frustrated or desperately want my attention," he said, walking around the couch to sit beside her.

Emily pursed her lips at the boy, his words having some truth behind them. "Fuck you," she said. He laughed, knowing his accusation was correct. "I'm groaning because I've been looking for any job good enough to cover even half my rent for the last week, and I'm still empty handed."

David frowned, feeling guilty once again. Emily had already forgiven him and told him multiple times he didn't need to feel guilty about anything, but he did. In a way, he felt like it was his responsibility to find or at least help her find a new job. Which was what led him to saying:

"Why don't you work for me?"

Emily stared at him for a few seconds before she cracked, laughing a little before saying, "Yeah, right."

"No, I'm serious," David said.

"You're serious?" she asked, turning back to him.

He nodded, scooting closer to her. "You got fired because of me. It's only fair for me to make it up to you in any way," he said, "Which is giving you a job, in this case."

"What would I even do?" she asked warily.

Working for David wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. In fact, it would be a pretty great thing. She loved being a part of the behind the scenes to the vlogs, so to be able to do that and make money for it would be pretty awesome. She was just wary about it for David's sake.

Emily didn't want him hiring another person to his self made company to screw him over in any way. Truthfully, she didn't know how it would, but the worry was still there.

"I've been looking for another assistant to take some of the load off of Natalie," he started, "You already know what goes on behind the planning of the vlogs and merch, and anything you don't know, Natalie can teach you. You'd be perfect for the job."

Emily stares at him in disbelief. "Seriously?" she asked just above a whisper.

David nodded. "It's the least I can do, Nealy."

Before he could blink, Emily was on top of him, hugging him around his neck. Smiling, he cherished the hug as he secured his arms around her waist.

"Thank you so much," Emily whispered beside his ear smiling widely.

"Like I said, the least I can do," he replied, kissing her temple softly.

As butterflies swarmed Emily's stomach, her face grew hot. David had performed that simple action many other times, and she'd never felt the way she did in that moment. A simple kiss to the side of her head made her lose all train of thought and her heart beat speed up.

But why?

That's what Emily Neal needed to find out for herself.

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