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Daddy Dobrik
i'm sorry em

i don't know how much i can say
it until you believe me

Daddy Dobrik
please tell me what i can do
to make this better

Daddy Dobrik
Read at 7:56 PM

To say Emily was upset with David was an understatement. Yeah, maybe it wasn't the end of the world; she could always find another job. But she didn't want to find another job. Heidi, her boss at Victoria's Secret, was surprisingly accommodating with Emily. She was paid well for being a retail worker, and she doubted that would be the case at any new job.

Emily sighed as her phone screen lit up once again with another message from David. She didn't want to be upset with him, but she couldn't exactly get over the whole thing easily. Up until then, he hadn't tried showing up at her apartment, which she was grateful for. Emily was one that needed time to cool off before talking through a situation.

Reading through another website of possible jobs, Emily's phone vibrated against the coffee table it sat on. Rolling her eyes, she decided to answer it.

"What, David?"

"Em, I'm sorry," was the first thing he said.

Emily chuckled sarcastically. "Yeah, I know," she said, "I'm honestly just too stressed right now to care."

David was silent for a few moments before he said, "What can I do, Em?"

"You can-" Emily was cut off by an incoming call from Whitney. Knowing she most likely wouldn't get to speak with her soon if she declined the call, she let out a sigh before saying, "Whitney's calling. I'll talk to you later."

Not giving him time to answer, Emily ended the call with David to answer Whitney's call.

"Finally, bitch. It only rang six thousand times," Whitney said upon the line connecting.

Emily chuckled. If anyone was going to get her mind off of the jobless situation, it was Whitney. Whitney had already been briefed about the whole situation by Emily, which was presumably why she was calling to begin with. There were times the two best friends knew when the other needed them. This was one of those times. Going on a rant about the situation, half an hour had passed before Emily groaned.

"It's so hard to be mad at him, but I can't not be mad at him right now. He cost me my job," she ranted.

"Playing Devil's advocate, if I may," Whitney began, "he did have good intentions. He brought you your favorite food to sit down with you and let you talk about your day, then he was going to bring you home. There really wasn't anything in it for him besides seeing you, which, let's be honest, isn't that great."


"I know," Whitney answered snuggly.

"I guess you're right," Emily said.

"As always."

"But I'm still out of a job because of him."

"You'll find a new job, Em," her best friend spoke, "If you don't, you can always move back home and sing at The Metal Boot."

Emily chuckled as three knocks sounded from her door. Getting up from her couch to approach the door, she said, "That would be my absolute last resort, and you know that," she said, "Besides, I-"

Emily cut herself off as the person on the other side of her door came into view. She'd never actually been at a loss for words up until that moment, but David Dobrik tended to bring that out in people. There he stood, clad head to toe in black clothing, with a bouquet of white roses in one hand and a bag of Chic-Fil-A in the other.

"Whit, I'm gonna have to call you back," then she hung up, not giving her friend a chance to question her.

"Hi," David said once her phone was away from her ear.

"Hey," she replied, "What're you doing here?"

David stepped a bit closer, jutting the bouquet of roses toward Emily as he said, "I heard some asshole got you fired, figured you needed some company."

"Yeah, what a dick," she replied, making him laugh.

His smile faltered as he met her eyes again. "I know flowers and food isn't going to get you your job back, but I'll do anything to not have you ignore me anymore," he admitted.

Emily processed his words for a few seconds before she took two steps back, opening the door a little wider, and said, "Why don't you come in and we'll discuss what 'anything' means."

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