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Waking up the next morning was hard for Emily. For starters, the blinding sunlight awoke her rudely from her slumber. The next thing that confused her was the bed she was in. Worried she'd found her way into a random guys pants, she slowly lifted her head from the pillow she was laying on and looked around. To her utter gratitude, she realized she was in David's room. She let out a breath of relief, slamming her head back into the pillow.

That's when the hangover really hit her. Along with her conversation with David the night before. She wasn't necessarily embarrassed about telling David about her past; he was her best friend, and she wanted him to know. Emily was more so worried about him treating her differently now that he knew. She wasn't a porcelain doll that was going to break with one bad move. If anything, she was now stronger than she'd ever been thanks to her past with Derek. If she learned anything from being married to him, it was to know her self worth and to be independent. Two things she definitely wasn't when she was married, but now she definitely was. At least she was on her way there.

"Goodmorning," a voice sounded, making Emily jerk her head toward the doorway. David entered her vision.

He was dressed head to toe in black, as usual, but something about his appearance that day made Emily's heart drop. He had on a large black hoodie, black jeans and black Vans, while a black cap sat on his head. Maybe it was the slight scruff he had yet to shave that morning or maybe it was the way he was smiling at her. Whatever it was, it definitely made Emily nervous about what she was feeling.

"Hi," she said, her face burning from the ferocious blushing.

"How do you feel?" David asked, crouching next to her, resting his crossed arms on the bed and resting his head on his crossed arms.

Emily shrugged, turning her body to face David. He was looking at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world, which was enough to make her face blush even more. If that was even possible. "I'm okay. Mostly embarrassed," she chuckled.

"What are you embarrassed for, Em?" he smiled at her.

She shrugged again, taking his hand in hers to fiddle with the metal Cartier ring on his finger. Now it was David's turn to blush. Emily noticed his red cheeks, but decided against speaking on it in fear he'd bring up her own.

"I don't know," she murmured, "I got drunk for the most stupid reason, and you were forced to deal with me."

"I wasn't forced, Em. I chose to," David said, pausing for a second to think, "Why'd you even drink so much? You never drink that much."

"I know," she said, rubbing her face with the hand that wasn't on top of David's. She looked back at him, seeing he wore a face that said he was waiting for an answer. "You really want to know?" He nodded, she groaned. "It's so stupid, but," she started, "I saw you hanging out with Kelsey, and I, uh, I may have been a teeny, tiny bit jealous."

David's eyes widened at her words, and his heart beat sped up as a blush spread to his face once again. "Jealous?" he asked.

"You don't have to say it like that," she murmured, hiding her face under David's comforter.

"No," he chuckled, pulling the blanket down, "I think it's cute."

"Cute?" Emily asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah," David shrugged, "I mean, it's not like you're the only one jealous of other people hanging out with me."

Emily narrowed her eyes at him before she hit him with the pillow that sat beside her. David laughed as he stood up.

"Get up. We have a full day ahead of us," he said.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm taking you out to lunch, then we're going shopping. Wherever you want to go," David clarified, making Emily's eyebrows furrow.

"Why?" she asked as she swung her legs over the side of the bed but didn't move to stand up.

"Because," David started, crouching in front of her yet again, placing his hands on either side of her as he spoke, "You're my best friend, and I saw too many tears last night for me to not want to make you feel better."

Emily smiled slightly at him, showing no teeth. "You know," she started, "You're kind of like my platonic boyfriend."

"Is that your way of telling me you're in love with me?"

"In your dreams."

All in all, their day together was pretty great. For lunch, David drove them to Chipotle, which Emily had had a little too much of lately due to David, but she kept quiet for his sake. After lunch, they went to Melrose to do some shopping. Emily was a sucker for thrifting, which was what she mostly did when she shopped on Melrose. David then drove them over to Rodeo Drive, where Emily talked him out of buying her a Cartier ring to match his.

"But, Emily, we would match!" he'd said.

"David, we can get three dollar friendship bracelets if you want to match so bad!"

In the end, he didn't get her the ring, but he assured her she'd have one to match his eventually. They settled on going to lululemon, where Emily got two sets of leggings with a matching bra for morning workouts with Natalie. The two girls had recently decided on working out together, so Emily felt the new workout attire was necessary.

"How do these look?" Emily asked, stepping out of the dressing room in a dark grey pair of leggings. They were made for hiding cellulite, slimming and lifting the booty. You can assume which one David's eyes gravitated to first.

"They look, uh," he stuttered as she turned her back toward him to look in the mirror, "very... flattering."

Seeing him looking at her ass in the mirror, Emily quickly turned around, saying, "You perv."

"What!" he replied, a wide smile on his face, "C'mon, Em. I'm a guy."

She narrowed her eyes at him, pondering something silently. "Does it at least look good?" she asked, turning around for him to get another look.

"Yes, Emily," he said as she turned back around to face him, "You have a nice ass."

Emily laughed, noticing a slight glint of lust in her best friends eyes. Her face blushed ferociously as she sauntered back into the dressing room to change. After they left lululemon, the two friends called it a day and headed back to David's house. Upon arriving, David grabbed his laptop and made himself comfortable on his couch to begin editing his next vlog.

After about an hour of David editing and Emily watching TikTok's, she decided to speak up.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," David said, his attention still on his laptop.

"When will you tell me who Misty is?" she questioned.

David looked at her, letting out a small breath as he moved his laptop off of his lap to give her his full attention. "Honestly, I don't know," he said, "Right now it's just this secret only I know, and if I tell you it'll make it real. And I'm not sure I can handle it being real if it doesn't turn out the way I hope it does."

"Oh," was all Emily said, "I'm sorry if you ever feel like I'm pushing it."

David smiled. "I don't, Em," he leaned over to place a kiss on top of her head, "When I'm ready, I promise you'll be the first to know."

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