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"What's up guys? Welcome back to Vieewwws, the podcast where Jason interrogates me about my love life."

"I don't interrogate you. I'm just curious."

"There is literally nothing interesting about my love life."

"Ehhhh I don't know about that."

David laughed nervously, "Okay, roll the intro music."

The intro music played, and David switches the topic of conversation immediately.

"How's your week been, Jay?"

"Eh. You know, the usual. Getting scared shitless by you, vlogging, getting scared shitless by Trish, vlogging some more, and spending time with my kids."

"Seems like you get scared shitless a lot. Better get that under control, its not healthy for a man your age."

"Fuck you, David," Jason laughed.

The podcast continued for a while longer with David and Jason bantering on about random things until Jason brought up Emily.

"How are you and Em?"

"You ask that like we're together or something."

"According to fans you are, so I thought I'd ask."

"No, we aren't together. We never will be. Emily's fucking gorgeous and could have literally any guy, so even if I had feelings for her, she'd never go for me."

"That's not true! You're the whole package in a psychotic, cute kind of way."

David laughed, "Thanks, Jay."

The podcast continued on, but as Emily listened, she couldn't get David's words out of her head. He did have feelings for her, and unknowingly to him, she felt the same way. She knew she had to tell the curly haired boy soon, she just had to figure out how she would do so.

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