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"We could do a bouncy-"

"No inflatable castles."

David pondered. "Oh! What about-"


"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"I'm sure it has something to do with Nerf guns or an inflatable slide," Emily said, giving David a pointed look.

"No," he defended, maintaining a hard exterior. Emily raised her brows at him. "Yeah, that was totally it."

Emily and David sat in David's backyard trying to come up with a plan for him to tell Misty how he felt. While Emily was happy to help her best friend, her conversation with Whitney from earlier that day was nagging away at her. She couldn't be fully present with David because every time she looked at him she wondered if she truly did have feelings for him.

By definition, David was perfect. He was sweet, handsome, funny and had his life together - mostly. Regardless, there wasn't much to not like about David, which made Emily wonder even deeper.

"Em? Emily. Emily!"

"Huh?" she said, snapping from her thoughts.

"You zoned out," David chuckled, smiling. Emily found herself at a loss for words as she looked at him. "Are you okay?"

Emily physically shook her head, trying to rid it of her thoughts. "Yeah - uh, I just... I just have a lot on my mind," she said.

"Well, Em! Why are we sitting here planning this?" David exclaimed, "What's wrong-"

"No, Dave," Emily started, "Honestly, you're so sweet for worrying about me and wanting to help, but this is just something I have to work through alone."

David nodded in understanding. "Well, you know I'm here if you decide you need to vent," he said, "Or, you know, shoot someone. I have a few of those hundred-dollar -paint-ball things going on with some of the guys this week, so we could always meet up with them if you want to."

Emily chuckled, smiling wide. "Maybe later," she said.

Then they got back to planning David's big reveal.

Emily wasn't sure how she felt for David. She wasn't sure if there was anything more than a friendship there, and she was sure one day that would be obvious. But for now, she was happy as hell to be his best friend.

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