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As Emily said, she took David with her to New York. There wasn't anyone else she even considered taking. David was this only person she could imagine taking such a great trip with. He'd get to meet her family, see all her favorite places, and maybe, just maybe, she could drag him to a Broadway show with her.

"Em, slow down," Dave said tiredly as they walked through JFK.

Emily was over the moon to be back in her home city, and she was so excited to show David around. Yes, he'd been to New York before, but never had he been to New York with her.

"There's so much to do, Davey!" she smiled, ultimately slowing down. She hooked her arm around his and leaned into him, smiling widely. She looked up at him to find him looking ahead, a small smile making its way on to his face. "First, I'll take you to meet my parents, then tonight we can go to Times Square. There's this cute coffee shop near my parents place we can go to tomorrow morning. Also, we can go shopping, and - Oh! We can see if there's any good shows while we're here!" she rambled.

David just watched her. He noticed things about her any other person probably wouldn't. For example, the way her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink when she got excited. How her tongue poked between her teeth as she bit on it when she was in thought. How she fiddled with there fingers when she was nervous. How she talked with her hands.
David wanted to know everything about her, and he made it a point to take note of all the little things about her.

His eyes lit up when she turned her head toward him and smiled. "We can do whatever you want, Nealy," he said.

After grabbing their luggage and getting into a taxi, the two made it to Emily's parents house. When he was planning the trip, David reached out to Emily's parents to let them know Emily would be coming, but they didn't know he was coming with her. She'd picked him to come with her after he'd talked to her parents, so he didn't think to reach out to them again just to let them know he'd be coming as well.

The taxi driver pulled up to an expensive-looking apartment building. David was aware it was expensive to live in New York City, but the building in front of them seemed to be the most expensive place to live in the entire city. The driver helped the two friends get their luggage from the trunk of the car before Emily paid the fare.

David looked around the lobby of the building in amazement, making Emily chuckle as she noticed the astounded look on his face. "What?" he asked.

Emily shook her head, looping her arm with his for the second time that day as she lead them to the nearest elevator. "Just funny seeing you so amazed," she explained.

"I just didn't know you lived so lavishly, Em," he joked. She rolled her eyes playfully as she pushed him away from her.

Emily pushed the button for the fourteenth floor as they stepped into the elevator. Once again, David watched his best friend. She was focussed on her phone as she was texting Corinna, but he was focussed on her. It seemed he was always focussed on her. It was hard not to watch her, though. She was all he thought about, all he cared about, all he wanted, and yet she couldn't be more oblivious.

"Pictures last longer," Emily said, catching David by surprise.

"Huh?" he said, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You were staring," Emily said with a smirk as if she was stating the obvious, "Pictures last longer."

David's cheeks heated up as he tore his eyes away from hers.

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