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Emily let out a nervous sigh as she looked over her outfit in the body length mirror in front of her. She wore a short, shimmery gold dress with black heeled boots. Her long hair was straightened, cascading down her back and past her chest. She looked hot, she felt hot. But she was more nervous than anything.

David's birthday party was that night, making the Neal girl nervous to see him after their encounter the week before. On top of that, she was nervous about her present for David. It sat on her bed, wrapped tightly in gold wrapping paper, a shimmery gold bow on top. She was sure he would love it, but she was nervous it was too much.

Looking at the time, she saw it was half past six, leaving her thirty minutes to get to Jason's house before David would arrive for the surprise. Gathering her purse, Emily left her apartment, taking an Uber to Jason's. The house was packed when Emily arrived, making it difficult for her to find Natalie. The two girls had planned everything, and agreed to find each other before David arrived.

"Hey!" Emily smiled when she finally found the brunette.

"Hey! So everything should be set up, and Jason just called. They're about ten minutes away," Natalie explained, handing David's camera to Emily, "Just hangout by the front door and wait for them. If we miss this footage, David will skin me alive." Emily chuckled.

"Then we're going to have the wheel, right?"

"Yes," Natalie nodded, handing her a megaphone, "Now, take this and go to the front."

Emily did as she was told, nerves running through her body. She wanted the party to go as planned, and she wanted David to have fun. Upon seeing the Tesla pull up, Emily's heart dropped. "They're here!" she announced through the megaphone Natalie had given her, getting everyone to quiet down for the surprise.

Emily began recording as Jason led David up to the from door.

"What the fuck is going on?" David asked as they entered the house, "Did you fly my mom out?"

"No," Jason laughed, "Okay, one... two.." Jason removed David's blindfold, prompting everyone to yell "Surprise!"

A smile made its way on to David's face as he took in his surroundings, "Holy shit," he laughed, looking around him. His eyes landed on Emily, who was still recording. He pointed at her, walking over to her with a wide smile on his face. He wrapped her in a hug, saying, "You did this, didn't you?"

Emily chuckled. "With the help of Nat, yes," she smiled, looking up at him when he pulled away from her.

"Well, thank you," he smiled, "This is probably the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me."

"Well, you deserve it, Dave," Emily smiled. David continued looking down at here, urging her to ask, "What?"

David shrugged, still smiling wide. "You just look really beautiful," he said, his tone lower than before.

Blushing slightly, Emily gnawed lightly at her bottom lip before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and meeting his chocolate brown eyes. Smiling, she said, "Thank you, Dave." She laced her fingers through his, making his face grow hot, and pulled him toward the living room. They mingled with guests for a while, enjoying the party, before they began the festivities.

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