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Though the two friends made amends, nothing went back to the way it was before. David didn't quite know what he expected when he and Emily made up, but it wasn't what he got.

A week passed before David heard from Emily again. Though, she wasn't even trying to see him, per se. Emily had made plans with Natalie, and while David was happy to see Emily doing better than she was the previous week, he still missed her immensely.

David swung the door open, allowing Emily inside moment after she'd knocked. "Natalie's in her room, said she'd be out soon," he muttered before returning to the kitchen where his burrito waited for him.

Emily nodded, but didn't make a move to go to the Mariduena girls room. She set her purse down on the island in the kitchen, two stools away from where David sat. He was either too engrossed into his meal to notice her or he just didn't want to speak to her. Emily figured it was the latter when David wrapped up the remainder of his burrito, pushed it to the center of the island and walked out of the house into the back yard. Emily groaned.

David always finished his burritos.

"What's wrong?" Natalie asked as she entered the room.

"Just... I don't know. Let's go."

David sat on his outdoor couch for hours before he retreated back inside. He had an edit to do, and even if he was upset with Emily, that wouldn't change.

Grabbing his laptop, David pulled his hood over his head and got comfortable on the cloud couch. He knew he'd be in that spot for hours to come, so it was best to be comfortable while he was there. Time seemed to pass by quicker than normal because Natalie and Emily were walking through the front door what seemed to be twenty minutes later.

David kept his focus on his edit, not wanting to pay the two girls any mind. He didn't want to be upset with Emily, but he couldn't help it. She ignored him for two months, shows up out of no where when she needs something from him, then ignores him for a week and shows up at his house to hangout with his assistant. The rational side of David knew Emily and Natalie were friends too, but in that moment he didn't care about his rational side.

"We're back," Natalie called out to the curly haired boy.

He hummed in response, making Natalie roll her eyes. A sad look crossed Emily's face. "I'll, uh, see you later, Nat. Thanks for today," Emily smiled slightly as she gathered her belongings. Sparing one last glance toward David, she walked out.

"Okay, what's wrong with you?" Natalie said with a slight attitude, plopping down next to David.


"Yes, you. You've been giving Emily the cold shoulder all day," Natalie explained.

David scoffed. "Only because she decided I'm a disposable friend," he replied, anger building within him.

"You know that's not true."

"Really?" David asked, tossing his laptop to the side to sit up and talk to Natalie, "She tell you she showed up here last week?"


"Figures," he scoffed.

"Why'd she come by?"

"She needed something from me, I guess. She was crying, I comforted her. She told me she missed me, I told her I missed her, too. She left and proceeded to ignore me for a week," he ranted, "Deeming me disposable."

"Dave, did you ever stop and think maybe she just doesn't know how to act around you right now? I mean, you told her you're in love with her, and now you are trying to be friends. Maybe she's trying to figure out how to be your friend without hurting you more than she already has," Natalie explained, putting him in his place.

David's face held complete guilt. He'd never thought about how being friends with him, knowing he was in love with her, was for Emily. Selfishly, he only thought about how it was for him.

David groaned. "I'm such an idiot."

"Yeah, we been knew."

"I can fire you, you do know that, right?"

"Then who would give you girl advice?" David rolled his eyes. "Look, Dave, Emily might not realize it yet, but she's got feelings for you. I know she does. It's just... not as simple for her. She went through a lot in her last relationship, so getting into a new one is scary for her.

"Just give her some time. If you two are meant to be together, you'll be together."

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