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Emily Neal was never one to have huge "come to terms" moments; it just never happened for her. Sure, she'd had realizations and revelations, but never something huge.

Two weeks after her beach day with Corinna and Natalie, Emily was with David at his house. Again.

Since their reconciliation, the two friends had once again become inseparable. Not that either of them were complaining. The most fun the two ever had was when they were together, so it really wasn't a bad thing at all.

"Emily, no!"

"Why not?"

"It's not healthy."

Emily's mouth gaped open. "How so?"

David gave her a bored look. "Binge watching The Flash for the fifth time is not going to change how every season ends," he said.

Emily rolled her eyes. "Coming from the guy that wants to watch In Time every time we have a movie night," she retorted.

"Yeah, yeah. Being weird is my thing though," David said, "You can't steal my brand."

"Trust me," Emily chuckled, "I don't want it."

David rolled his eyes but laughed, nonetheless. Despite the debate the two friends just had, David opened Netflix on his smart TV and began playing the show for Emily. Noticing his actions, Emily just watched him. He'd do anything to make her happy, even when it went against what he was arguing towards.

David truly loved her more than life itself. He loved her with everything he had and yet, there he was, pushing all of that to the side to be her friend.

Emily wasn't quite sure what came over her, but suddenly she felt her cheeks flame and her stomach drop. "I have to go," she blurted out, jumping up from off of the couch.

"Wait, what?"

Emily chuckled nervously as she grabbed her belongings. "I totally forgot I, uh, have this... this thing with Corinna. Yeah, it's this... big thing," she rambled, constantly looking between her bag and David. He looked more than confused. "Yeah. So, uh, bye."

Then she rushed out of the door.

Emily Neal had her first come to terms moment that night.

She was in love with her best friend.

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