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The two best friends strolled through Time's Square, chatting about anything and everything. It'd been hours since they were on the topic, but Emily couldn't stop thinking about David's mystery girl.

She knew David was picky when it came to girlfriends, so for him to really have his eye on someone meant a lot, and she wanted to help him. The problem was, the thought of him getting his heart broken again killed the want to help. She wanted to protect him more than anything, but she knew that wouldn't help at all. Helping him win over his mystery girl was the best way for her to help him.

After walking around the city for a while, the pair ended up at McDonald's for dinner.

"Are you really not going to tell me who this girl is?" Emily asked after swallowing the bite of her chicken nugget.

David sipped his drink before answering is. "No, Em, I'm not telling," he said, "Are you really going to keep on about this?"

"Yes, Dave, I am because I want you to be happy," she declared.

"I am happy, Nealy," David said, letting out a breath. "I don't need a girlfriend to be happy."

"I know that, I just.. I don't know. I want to help you," she said, "Pining after someone and not doing anything about it isn't healthy." She took another bite of a chicken nugget as David rolled his eyes.

"I'm not pining," he said, earning a pointed look from his best friend, "Okay, maybe I am. Point is, you don't have to help me, Em."

"But I want to."

"Will it really make you that happy to help me?" he asked.

"Yes!" she said exasperatedly.

David's shoulders dropped. "Okay, fine. But I'm still not telling you who it is."

"Deal," Emily said, a satisfied smile plastered on her face as she threw her fist in the air.

David rolled his eyes playfully. "Dork," he muttered.

Emily shoved his shoulder lightly. "Says you!" she said, laughing.

The two soon finished their meal and began their trek back to Emily's parents apartment. Upon their arrival, Emily unlocked the door with the key her parents gave her long before she'd moved out to LA. They settled in Emily's old room, each taking showers before they settled into bed.

Emily stared into the blackness of the room with one thing on her mind: David's mystery girl. For reasons unknown to her, not knowing who she was bothered Emily. Maybe it was because David was her best friend and she wanted to be sure the girl was right for him. Or maybe it was something deeper. Either way, Emily couldn't put her finger on it.

She turned over to face David who was editing his vlog for the following day. She rested her head on his shoulder as she watched him edit.

"I thought you were asleep," he said, moving on head phone off of his ear so he could hear her.

She shrugged. "Tried," she replied, "Too much on my mind."

"Yeah? Like what?"

Emily thought for a few seconds. She didn't want to bother David or make him feel weird or guilty for not telling her who the mystery girl was. So she made something up. "Just life. Ya'know, in LA," she answered.

"What about it, Em?" he asked, turning more of his attention to her.

"I mean, working at Victoria's Secret isn't exactly where I want to be forever, ya'know?" she explained, "I just want to get somewhere with my actual career. I just have no idea where to start."

David let out a sigh. "Do you have music written?" he asked.

"Some, but nothing recorded," she replied.

"I'll talk to Scott and Bruce and see if they can help you out," David said, "If anything, maybe Scott could feature you on one of his songs, and they could help you record some of yours."

"Seriously?" Emily asked, eyes wide. David nodded with a small smile on his face. "Oh, my God, David!" she exclaimed, hugging his torso, "That would be amazing!"

He hugged her back, resting his head on top of hers. "Nothing for certain, and it'll take a lot of work, obviously, but if they agree, it'll be a start," he said.

"That's all I want," she said.

"Anything for you, Nealy."

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