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David was once again throwing a party, purely for content obviously, but a party, nonetheless. Being told about the party led Emily to ask David about inviting Misty, which is what they were currently discussing.

"Please tell me you invited her."

"I didn't."


David chuckled, looking at his best friend. "Why does it matter?" he asked.

Emily gave him a pointed look, then said, "Because I want to meet her, David," crossing her arms, she continued, "You won't even tell me her name. What's so special about keeping her a secret?"

David shrugged before standing up from his seat at the island in his kitchen. He walked over to Emily, placing both of his hands on her shoulders. "It's not about keeping her a secret. It's about saving myself from utter humiliation when you try to talk me up," he said, shakily her gently back and forth, "Besides, she's in Miami for the next few days." Lie.

Emily groaned, grabbing David's hands and removing them from her shoulders. "Fine," she said, beginning to walk towards the door leading to the back yard, "This party better be good, Dobrik."

And it was.

Much like David, Emily never had been a big drinker. She appreciated a drink or two at a party or a hangout, but never drank enough to really do any damage. She always figured that fact would remain true.

Until she saw David Dobrik hugging on some Instagram model.

Emily recognized the girl as Kelsey Calemine; she'd seen her on Instagram before. She also remembered watching one of David's vlogs where Kelsey practically begged him to kiss her. Long story short, Kelsey wasn't exactly Emily's favorite person.

Which was why seeing David with her set off an emotion Emily couldn't directly pin point. She was aggravated; that was obvious. But it felt like more than that. It felt like any time she looked over at the two of them, she wanted to vomit and yell simultaneously. That wasn't possible, obviously, but that's the only way she could describe it.

So, two drinks led to three and three led to four and four led to five and... you get the picture.

Soon enough, Emily was hanging on to Tana for support. Tana wasn't exactly sober herself, so it was quite the sight seeing the two girls try to hold each other up. Emily had only met Tana two other times, both being for David's vlog, but she loved her all the same.

Nonetheless, the two girls were hard to miss. Which is what led David over to them.

"Em," he said as he reached her, "Emily, are you okay?" His left hand rested on the small of her back as his right hand caressed her cheek, turning her head to face him.

"I'm perrrrfect," she slurred.

Davis's eyebrows furrowed. "How much have you drank?" he asked.

Emily scoffed, not-so gracefully brushing her hair out of her face and trying to stand straight up. "Why do you care?" she said, "Shouldn't you be getting back to Kellseeey?"

"Kelsey?" he asked, "Are you mad that- You know what? C'mon, let's go."

He clutched her hand in his right hand, wrapping his left arm around her waist in an attempt to keep her close to him. It seemed to work because they were soon walking into David's room, him shutting the door behind them.

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