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i woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. i roll my eyes and looked at the time. 7:00 am was shown across my screen. i then look to see what all the buzzing was coming from. it was the group chat i had with all my friends. well technically not all of them, but it was my friend group. so all the people i hang out with like all the damn time.

i ignore it and decide i should probably get up since school starts in about 30 minutes. i'm about half way done with my junior year of high school and it fucking sucks ass but it's whatever i guess.

i do my skin care and brush my teeth. i then brush my hair and then do light makeup because i didn't have enough time to go all out. i then change into something comfortable. i usually wear baggy, bigger clothes so that's what i put on. then i put on some perfume and then some jewelry.

occasionally i will wear a skirt or a dress and when i do all of my friends are like shocked. it's a rare thing i guess. they all say i should wear shit like that more often because "i have a nice body", but i'd rather just wear what's comfortable.

 they all say i should wear shit like that more often because "i have a nice body", but i'd rather just wear what's comfortable

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(this is kinda what she's wearing lol)

i then grab my backpack and walk downstairs. "good morning sweetie", my mom says and i say good morning back. i grab a water from the fridge and quickly walk out the door and yell a 'love you' to my mom on the way out.

why do i insist on wearing this shit when it's like 100 degrees outside? i say to myself. it's fucking hot as hell in LA right now but hey, i still gotta look good. i put in my headphones and begin walking to school.

i get there about ten minutes later and basically run to my first class, fucking calculus. i walk into class the second the bell rings and i sit down in the very back.

some time passes and it's finally over. i begin to walk to my second class when i hear someone call my name. "yo averill", i hear a voice call out and turn to see who it was. i then see my best friend drew and smile. "hey", i say excitedly. "bro there's this new girl and she's hot as fuck. way out of my league tho.. so i thought i'd tell you since you're hot as hell", she pauses and let's out a small laugh. "i think her name is billie?", she continues.

i just nod in response and we walk to our second class together, french. why the fuck did i choose french? no fucking clue.

drew and i walk in and i see vi, another one of my friends. her name is violet but we just call her vi for short. "hi bitch", i say and sit down next to her. "hey mama", she jokes and i give her the death stare. "bitch what the fuck. do not call me that", i say. kinda joking kinda not. i swear this bitch is always flirting with me as a joke.. i think? she holds her hands up in defense and says, "hey if you ever want a girlfriend.. i'm always here", with a smirk on her face. "no thanks.. i'm good" i say and we begin laughing.

about three minutes later and class starts. this class is literal ass and the teacher insists on speaking in only french.

~time skip~

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