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"you wanna come over to my house?", i ask billie. it's wednesday and we're at lunch. "sure mama. meet me at the library ok?", she says and i nod my head in response.
the rest of the day went my pretty fast. i'm now waiting at the library for billie. i see someone walking towards me so i look up from my phone. "hey baby", billie says excitedly. "you ready to go?", she asks and i nod my head in response. she grabs my hand and we walk out to her car. we already finished all of our work so we were free to go home.

"how was your day angel?", billie asks. "it was ok. i didn't have that much homework to do thank god", i say letting out a breath of air. i finished it all in last period so i was free the rest of the night.

we continue to talk about our days as she drives to my house. we get there and we get out of the car and go up to the door. i unlock it and we walk inside. i grab some chips and some drinks and we make our way upstairs to my room.

"so what do you wanna do?", i ask while opening my windows to let some fresh air in. it was actually really nice outside today so i figured i'd let some fresh air in. "i don't know. what do you want to do baby?", billie asks while walking over to me.

(just for future reference when i put "^^" that means there's smut coming up. also just a reminder that billie has a dick in this. enjoy)


she leans in and kisses me, while griping onto my waist tightly. "you're so fucking perfect you know", i hear billie say, making me blush.

she places another kiss on my lips, this one having more tongue. we begin to make out, making our way over to my bed as we do so.

without breaking the kiss, she moves over so that her back is against the headboard. i sit on her lap and then she places her hands on my lower back. she slowly starts to add more tongue, making me moan in response.

as we're making out i can feel something start to press against my center. i start to move my hips back and forth, causing friction. "averill", billie warns. she then grips onto my hips tightly, causing me to moan again.

she then takes off my shirt and runs her hands up my back. "fuck your body is so pretty", i hear her say under her breath. i then place my hand in between us and run my hands over her dick. "baby you better stop unless you're gonna let me fuck you or you're going to give me head", i hear her say.

i just laugh and continue stroking her through her clothes. "averill. what did i fucking say?", i hear billie warn. "maybe that's what i want", i say with a smirk.

in one quick motion billie takes me off of her lap and makes me get on my knees. "this what you wanted bitch?", i hear billie say coldly. i don't answer and i just nod. she takes off her shirt and pulls down her pants leaving her in only a bra and her boxers.

"go ahead mama", she says, implying for me to take off her boxers. i pull them down, revealing her length. my eyes immediately widen when i see the size of her. "what? am i too big for your pretty little throat princess?", she teases. "um no. i can take you", i lie. "aw but you're so small. how are you ever gonna take me?", she teases.

i ignore her and hold onto her hips. i slowly put her length into my mouth and begin to bob my head up and down. "mm that's a good girl. just like that", i hear billie praise.

she pulls my hair out of my face and grips onto it. she begins to thrust into my throat, making me gag uncontrollably. i grip onto her hips tightly while i try to control my gagging. "you're doing so good right now", i hear billie say.

she continues to fuck my throat as her grip on my hair gets tighter the closer she gets to finishing. tears start to form in my eyes the harder she goes. well now i know she likes it rough. damn.

a few more thrusts and i feel her finish in my mouth. she pulls out and sees that i haven't swallowed yet. "come on bitch. swallow my fucking cum", she says coldly. i don't listen and spit out her fluids and she just looks at me with her resting bitch face.

"i-i'm sorry i didn't-", before i can finish billie pushes me onto the bed. "we're gonna try this again since you don't know how to fucking listen", billie says aggressively.

she sits up against the headboard and tells me to come over. i do as i'm told and go over to her. she pulls me down so that i'm face to face with her dick again.

she then aligns herself to my mouth and shoves my face down. i instantly gag but all that seems to do is turn billie on more. "suck my fucking dick whore", she says rudely. i do as she tells me and start sucking on her dick. "look who finally decides to listen", billie says.

i continue to bob my head up and down, occasionally moaning causing a vibration. as i was about to come up for air, i feel billie shove my head back down. i can tell she's close again because her grip on my hair tightens.

"fuck", she moans out and finishes again. she gets up and makes me sit on my knees so she makes sure i swallow this time. "spitters are quitters", she says. i swallow and open my mouth showing her that i swallowed. "that's my good girl. swallowing all my cum", billie says.

she then pulls me in for a kiss and runs her hand on my back. she begins to take off my bra when i stop her. "not today ok?", i say looking into her eyes. "ok mama, i'll make you feel good one day", she says with a smirk on her face. i roll my eyes and get off of my bed and hand her her clothes. "do you want something to drink?" i ask and she nods her head in response.

i go downstairs and get us both a glass of water and then go back up into my room. i hand her her water and then sit down. "that was the best head i've ever gotten", she says taking a sip of her water. "oh yea?", i tease. "mhm. who would've known", she says with a smile on her face. i punch her shoulder jokingly and be both start laughing.

we just chill and watch movies for the rest of the day and she goes home around 10 o'clock pm since we have school in the morning.

who would've known that i would be getting fucked in the throat by the new girl.
so i decided to be nice and add some smut in there for you guysss. i know this is a pretty short chapter and not the best but let me know what you think.
also when you see the "^^" that means there's some smut coming up ;)
1212 words

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