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continuation from last chapter.

"you wanna finish this inside?", billie asks while biting her lip. i quickly nod my head in response and we get out of the pool and dry off a little bit before going inside.

billie drags me to our room and shuts the door. i push her down onto the bed so that she's now sitting and i make my way onto her lap.

billies POV:
averill slowly makes her way onto my lap, and leans into kiss me. as we continue to make out, i place both of my hands on her bare ass, since she was still only wearing a bathing suit. "you're too good to me", i say, while instantly going back into kiss her soft lips.

i make my way down to her neck, leaving soft kisses, while occasional sucking and leaving hickeys everywhere. she let's out soft, light moans as i do so.

i feel myself grow harder and harder by the second and i know she can feel it too. "already hard?", she asks with a slight smirk on her face. "this is your fault princess", i say and continue doing what i was doing.

after i'm done with marking her neck, i go back up to her lips and we begin to slowly, but passionately make out again. i feel her start to grind her hips into mine, which just turns me on even more.

i then place both of my hands on the sides of her hips, and start moving her hips for her as she presses harder into me.

i let out light moans and my breathing starts to get heavier. i feel her move one of her hands to my throat, lightly squeezing it.

i furrow my eyebrows together and i stop kissing her for a second. she's never really taken control over me so what she did kind of caught me off guard.

as i begin to pull away i feel her grip around my throat tighten as she pulls me in. i feel her smirk against my lips as she does so. this bitch-

she moves some hair out of her face then quickly pulls me back in to kiss her. "what if i just got up and walked out of this room?", averill says while pulling away. "and why would you do that?", i ask. "just to mess with you", she says back. "stop playing averill", i say with a straight face.

she begins to get up off of my lap but i stop her by gripping her hips tightly, and basically shoving her back down on my lap. "you're not going anywhere. not until i'm done with you, got it?", i say sternly while looking deeply into her eyes.

she just laughs and looks at me while getting up off of my lap. "why the fuck are you laughing?", i ask confused, while standing up. "you don't own me. you can't tell me what to do either", averill says boldly. "averill i'm being serious. stop fucking playing", i say, now getting annoyed.

sexual frustration is the worst type of frustration to get.

averills POV:
i know i'm being hella annoying right now but.. oh well. it's fun to mess with her.

billie leans in to kiss me again, while gripping onto my hips tightly. i feel her move her hands to my bathing suit bottoms, pulling them down most of the way, and i do the rest.

she starts kissing my neck again, which automatically makes me give into her. so much for trying to be hard to get averill? i can't help it tho. she knows that this shit sends me over the edge.

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