twenty two

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averills POV:
it was now tuesday morning and i was currently walking to school. i left a little bit later because my mom was yelling at me about being 17 now and not having a job.. oops?

i was already in a bad mood because of my mom and i didn't feel like going to school or dealing with anyone but oh well, i guess.

i pop in my headphones and continue walking to school. it was almost 90 degrees today and i was wearing a hoodie and baggy jeans.

listen, i probably should've checked the weather before i got ready today but as you can see, i didn't do that.

after a few minutes of walking i finally get to school. it's almost 8:30 now.. just an hour late. no big deal, right?

i walk through the front entrance and see my lovely principal that i just love so much. psych. she can suck my dick.

"averill you're an hour late", my principal says as i walk into school. no shit. "i know", i say while continuing to walk. "why are you so late?", she asks. "uh doctors appointment", i lie. she doesn't say anything and just rolls her eyes.

i make my way to first period of the day. well technically my second but for me it's my first. i walk to class and sit down. the teacher doesn't really say anything about me being late. thank god. i really wasn't in the mood to argue.

~time skip~
i was now at lunch right now, sitting outside. why the fuck did my friends choose to sit outside on a 90 degree day? i have no fucking clue.

i had a small tank top on under my hoodie that i would probably get dress coded for but at this point, i didn't care. i take off my hoodie and adjust my tank top so my tits weren't spilling out.

"damn averill", i hear violet say, while looking me up and down. "oh shut up", i say while letting out a small laugh. "wait didn't you and billie like split up?", i hear laura asks randomly. (a/n: if any of you say you forgot who laura is-)

i look over at billie but she doesn't say anything. "um yea something like that", i say lowly. "so you tellin me you're single?", violet asks.

before i can say anything billie speaks up. "we're just taking a break", billie says. "so what i'm hearing is you guys aren't together.. meaning i could technically kiss averill without getting my ass beat by you?", violet says to billie.

there was a moment of silence before billie speaks up. "we didn't fucking break up", billie snaps. "aight then prove it", drew says. without another word being said, billie looks over at me and grabs my chin, making me look at her. she then places a long kiss on my lips. she pulls away and i just kind of sit there, not knowing what to say.

not gonna lie i kinda missed that feeling. the feeling of billies soft lips on mine. she doesn't need to know that tho.

"nah that doesn't mean anything", violet says. she then looks at drew and speaks up. "kiss me", vi says. "what?", drew says back. "just do it", vi says.

i then see drew lean in and kiss vi on the lips. damn ok. "see. we just kissed and we're not dating", violet speaks up. "ok well that's different", billie says.

violet and drew are the type of people that shouldn't be around each other. like not in a bad way, just when they're around each other they act really stupid and shit like that. they're just really close friends. nothing wrong with that tho.

violet and billie continue going back and fourth and i start getting tired of their bullshit. i roll my eyes and grab my bag and quickly get up.

i love them both but they were just really getting on my nerves.

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