twenty six

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billies POV:
"wait did you cum inside of me?", averill asks. "um yea.. why?", i ask. "i told you i wasn't on my birth control right now", averill says back while raising her voice a little. "hey it's ok. we can go to the drug store and i'll get you some plan b. it's no big deal", i say, trying my best to comfort her.

"aren't they closed?", averill asks. "most drugs stores are open 24/7", i tell her. "we'll get cleaned up and then we can find one in the area, ok angel?", i say and she nods her head.

we get cleaned up and head out. as we're walking out we see drew and all of them. "oh.. hey", drew says. "what are you doing out? it's like 2 am", drew asks. "oh um we're just going to the store", i say back.

hand in hand, we continue walking and i set directions on my phone to the closest drug store. luckily, there was one only a few minutes away from where we were staying.

"i'm sorry av. i guess i just forgot", i tell her. "it's ok. it's not your fault", she says back.

after a few minutes of walking we get to the drugstore and get what we need. we go to check out and the cashier gives us a look.

"how the fuck did you- aren't you a girl?", the cashier says confused. "ever heard of intersex? you dumb fuck", i say back coldly. "i was just asking. maybe you should use protection next time", the cashier says judgmentally.

i don't say anything back and just hand her the money. "you damn teenagers. you never know how to use protection", the cashier says, who was also clearly on the younger side. "could you shut the fuck up? no one fucking asked", i say rudely.

"i'm just saying", the girl says back. "bitch you're literally like a teenager yourself. maybe early 20s. the fuck you mean?", i say back and she stays silent.

i finish paying and we get our things and walk out. "people are dumb as fuck sometimes", i say while shaking my head. averill just let's out a little laugh but i could tell something was bothering her.

i stop walking and turn to face her. "hey are you ok?", i ask. "do you think i could actually be pregnant. i'm only 17 and i really c-", she begins to say. "averill, you're overthinking it. let's just take this one step at a time, ok?", i say back while cupping her face. she nods her head and i place a soft kiss on her lips.

we get back to our hotel room and she takes the pill. "you wanna go to sleep now?" it's late", i tell her and she nods her head.

she crawls into bed and cuddles up next to me. "i love you", i say while kissing the top of her head. "i love you too", she says back lowly. i play with her hair and i can feel her breathing get slower, telling me she's asleep.


averills POV:
i get woken up by my phone ringing. with tired eyes, i look to see who it was and it was my dad again. i roll my eyes and answer, brining my phone up to my ear.

"what do you want?", i ask. "i just want to talk to you", my dad says back. "no. fuck you. stop calling me", i say and hang up.

i must've woken billie up because i hear her say something. "who was that?", she asks while rubbing her eyes. "just a spam call", i lie with a fake smile on my face. "oh. those bitches are annoying", she says while laying back down.

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