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"yo av", i hear someone call out. i turn around and see drew. "what's up?", i ask while i continue walking to my first period.

it's now friday morning. thank god it's friday. "billie said she'll pick you up and then i'll take everyone else in my car so there's more room, ok?", drew says. "wait for what?", i ask a little confused. "the party? at finneas and claudias?", she says back. "oh shit that's right", i say back.

i completely forgot about that.. my bad?

we get to our first period and sit down in our usual spots. billie is already there so i say hi and then sit down. "damn you look good today mama", i hear billie say.

i decided to wear a skirt today. it was a little short but oh well. if i get dress coded again we're gonna have some problems.

~time skip~

i was currently rushing to finish getting ready when billie texts me, saying that she's here. she's picking me up so we can go to her brothers house.

i quickly grab my things and say goodbye to my mom. "you're staying the weekend over there right?", my mom asks, just to confirm. "yes. i'll make sure to text you", i say back, and run outside.

i get in and see some girl in the passenger seat that i've never seen. the fuck? "this is averill", billie says to the girl. ok skip over the girlfriend part.

she gives me a small smile. i just glare at her and give her my resting bitch face.

there's a few minutes of silence when i decide to speak up. "so who all is gonna be there?", i ask. "drew, laura, halley, and vi", billie says. "and finneas and claudia obviously and then some of their friends", billie continues. i nod my head and don't say anything else.

after a few minutes of driving we finally get to their house. as i'm about to open my door i see that girl had already opened it for me. well now i kinda feel bad for being a bitch to her earlier..

"oh um thank you", i say back awkwardly with a fake laugh. "no problem", she says back. billie just kinda looks at us for a moment but then looks away.

as we're walking into the house i feel billie tightly grab my hand. i look at her but she doesn't say anything, and we walk inside.

"hey guys", claudia says excitedly. she leans in and give me a hug, doing the same to billie. "the food and everything is in the kitchen and you guys are welcome to go in the pool if you'd like", claudia says and we all nod our heads in response.

not even a minute later, i hear a whole group of people come in. i look over and see drew, laura, halley and violet. violet already looked drunk as fuck. shocker.

"damn this house is nice as fuck", violet says while touching everything. "yea so let's not touch anything", halley says while slapping her hand away.

violet then looks over at me and speaks up. "god damn averill you're lookin hot as fuck", violet says while walking over to me.

now, i know she has a flirty personality in general.. but when she's drunk, it's even worse. "thank you violet", i say while laughing. "i mean shit, i'd f-", she begins to say but drew cuts her off. "ok that's enough", she says while pulling her away.

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