twenty four

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(a/n: rail this pu-)

"i'll see you soon honey", is all i hear and then the call ends. um.. ok? my dad lives in new york so i don't know what he's talking about. i really hope he's not coming down here to see us. i fucking hate that man.

"who was that?", billie asks. "um my mom", i lie. "well what was it about?", she asks. "nothing", i reply back with.

after a few moments of silence billie speaks up. "you ok?", billie asks and i nod my head. i turn around and have my back pressed up against her front.

i then feel her wrap her arm around my waist, pulling me in even closer. "i love you av", billie says softly. "i love you too", i say back lowly and we fall asleep.

"i'm getting back with your father averill", my mom says. "what?", i say back in shock. "he's actually a really nice man. i guess we just needed some time apart", my mom tells me. "are you fucking crazy? did you forget what happened?", i say back. "don't speak to me like that. i'm allowed to make my own decisions", my mom says back.

"is he coming here?", i ask. "no actually, we're moving back to new york. it'll be a nice, fresh start", my mom tells me. "you're fucking joking, right?", i say back.

i quickly get up and realize it was just a dream. i was drenched in sweat and i guess i had woken billie up too. "what's wrong?", billie asks in a tired voice. "um nothing. go back to sleep", i tell her. "did you have a bad dream?", billie asks while sitting up and i nod my head and she frowns.

"it was just a dream baby. you're ok", billie says in a comforting tone while tucking some hair behind my ear. we lay back down and she holds me tightly.

not even 10 minutes later billie falls back asleep but i'm still wide awake. it takes me about an hour before i finally fall back asleep.


i wake up to what sounds like arguing. i look at the time and it's 10 o'clock. i see that billie isn't there so i go out of the room and see everyone sitting at the kitchen counter.

"i wanna see batman", i hear drew say. "well i don't", violet says back. i walk up to them in confusion and they all speak at one time. "do you want to see the new batman movie?", they all ask. "bitch. yes. robert pattinson is so hot", i say while rubbing my eyes. "see", drew says loudly.

"i'm fine with seeing it", billie then says. "halley do you want to see it?", drew asks. "yea i'm cool with that", she says back. "what about you laura?", drew asks. "i'm fine with that", she says. "so violet you're the only one who doesn't wanna see it. so.. you're gonna have to just suck it up", i tell her.

"wait did you seriously say robert pattinson is hot?", violet asks. "yes. what about it?", i ask. "nothing", she says back trying to hold back a laugh. "listen.. from what i've heard, it seems like he put his whole robussy into it so..", i say. "you're so fucking weird sometimes", i hear billie say.

"off topic but billie.. please be uh more quiet. if you know what i mean", i hear halley say. "bitch that wasn't me. that's all her", billie says while looking over at me. "nah. don't put all the blame on me. that was technically your fault", i say back. "bitch how?", billie asks. "you were the one fu-", i begin to say but billie shoves her hand over my mouth, shutting me up. "ok. i think they get it", she says.

i look over and everyone's just standing there awkwardly. "yea.. yea we definitely get it", laura says. i roll my eyes and change the subject. "so what time is the movie?", i ask. "1 o'clock", drew reply's and i nod my head in response.

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