twenty eight

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i actually woke up early today. i was a little mad because i didn't have any school.. but. it was only 7:30 so i go on my phone for a little.

after about an hour of that i decide to get up. i go downstairs and my mom is no where to be seen. um.. ok.

i text her to ask her where she is and she said that she's at the store picking up a few things and will be back soon.

as i'm about to walk upstairs, i hear the doorbell ring. bitch. it's 8 am. who the fuck is at the door at 8 am on a sunday. the fuck.

i walk to the door and open it. no ones there. i look down and see a note sitting on the ground right in front of the door. i pick it up and then close the door and lock it.

i walk over to the kitchen and lean up against the counter while i open it. i read over it and just sit there for a moment.

'the bloods on your hands. i always knew you were the jealous type.'

the fuck. i then hear the front door open and see my mom. she sees me standing there with a paper in my hand and speaks up. "what's that?", she asks and i hand it to her.

she reads it and just stands there for a moment. "do you know anything about this?", i ask. she stays silent but then speaks up. "your father called the other day", she begins to say.

"he said that he was sending your sister back to live with me because she's struggling in school", she continues. "but when your father and i first got divorced, custody over the two of you was complicated. basically the court ordered that one of us has to have one kid unless the other agrees otherwise", she says.

"so i would always have to have you and your dad would always have to have your sister. but since she's failing school, he wants her to live with me and for you to live with him since you only have one more year of school after this one", she explains.

i just sit there for a moment, not knowing what to say. that still didn't explain the note.

"so what's going to happen?", i ask. "i already kind of sorted it out with him. you'll be able to stay with me but he wasn't too happy about it", she tells me honestly. "he'll do some messed up shit. you know him. he will do whatever it takes to get his way, and you know that", i say. "i know. i'm still sorting things out. just give me some time, ok?", my mom says.

we wrap up the conversation and as i'm making my way back upstairs, my mom speaks up. "don't forget to ask billie about dinner tonight", my mom tells me.

i had completely forgotten so i call billie really quick. she answers on the first ring and then greets me with her usual, 'hey mama. what's up?'.

"my mom was asking if you could come over for dinner tonight. she's inviting her boyfriend over and she said that you and your mom can come", i explain. "yea i can come over. what time?", she asks. "around 6", i tell her.

after a little bit more talking we hang up and i decide to get ready.

i grab some clothes and then make my way over to my bathroom. i change and then brush my teeth and do my skincare. i then put on some light makeup and do my hair.

~time skip~

i was currently helping my mom with dinner. i had to remind her probably one hundred times that billie and her mom were vegan.

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