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(can we just take a second and look at how cute billie is in that photo)

i wake up to sun beaming in through my curtains. i look over and see that billie is still fast asleep. i grab my phone and look at the time. 11:03.

i slowly get out of bed and make my way downstairs. i know billie will be hungry when she wakes up so i decide to make us breakfast. i make us breakfast burritos and grab us waters and head back upstairs.

i see that she's awake and i smile. "hey baby", i say while walking over and placing her plate next to her. "wait why am i here?", she asks confused. "you don't remember?", i ask and she shakes her head no. "well.. you were drunk so i drove you to my house. don't worry i already told your mom. she knows you're fine", i say while sitting down on the bed.

she picks up her plate and takes a bite out of her food. "so i'm guessing you don't remember anything else that happened last night?", i ask and she shakes her head no again.

i take a breath and say, "i walked in and you were fucking mary". she spits out the water she has in her mouth and just looks at me. "averill i'm so sorry. i was drunk you know that right?", she says. "i knew you were. that's mary's thing. she takes advantage of drunk people", i say while letting out a nervous laugh.

billie looks at me kind of confused. "how do you know?", she asks while taking another bite of her food. "oh um i just do", i say while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "no. you know something you aren't telling me. what is it?", she asks again.

(TW: talks about sexual assault coming up)

i just sit there for a moment in thought but then finally speak up. "she was a senior when i was a freshman. i was 15 she was 18. she said she swear she didn't know. she thought i was her age", i begin to stay. "i was at a high school party and she had put something in my drink. i was almost completely unconscious but not fully, you know?", i continue to say. "she was gonna do some things to me but thankfully i had called one of my old friends and she found me before anything could happen", i say.

billie just looks at me for a second but then leans in and kisses me. she pulls away and says, " averill i'm so sorry. i never would've talked to her if i knew that was the case", she says. "it's ok. i'm passed it now", i say honestly. "just promise me you won't ever get that drunk again", i say. i hold out my pinky and she links hers with mine. "i promise it won't happen again", she says.

i smile as tears start to form in my eyes. "hey are you ok? talk to me", billie says while coming closer to me. "i'm ok. i was just really scared last night. i don't want anything bad happening to you", i tell her honestly. she holds me tighter and places a soft kiss on my head. "i promise you that i didn't mean for any of that to happen", billie says again.

she grabs my chin and moves my head up to look at her. "i love you so much averill. i won't let anything happen to you ok?", she says in a comforting tone. i nod my head in response and she places a long kiss on my lips. i sink into the kiss as the warm, soft scent of vanilla hits my nose.

she pulls away and checks her phone. "oh shit we had school today didn't we?", she says. i nod my head in response but then laughed. "why are you laughing?", she asks confused. "i let you sleep in because i know your hungover ass would not be waking up at 6:30 to get ready", i say. she just rolls her eyes and punches my arm jokingly.

"speaking of hangover.. do you have any tylenol i can take?", she asks and i nod my head. i go downstairs and get her some.

i go back up to my room and hand it to her and she takes them. "so since we didn't go to school today what do you wanna do?", i ask. "well i know what we could do", she says with a smirk on her face as she slips a hand onto my thigh. "god billie even when you're hungover?", i say while laughing.

we just sit there for a few moments and she's just staring at me. i laugh nervously while tucking some hair behind my ear. "why are you staring at me weirdo", i say while laughing. "you're so pretty you know that?", billie says, making me even more nervous.


she leans in and kisses me again, this time using tongue. i feel billie tug at my shirt, implying for me to take it off. i slip off my shirt and billie does the same with hers. i had no bra on considering i had just woken up not too long ago.

we begin to make out and i lean back so i'm laying down. she goes down to my neck, leaving a few kisses and then makes her way down to my chest. she starts placing small kisses everywhere.

she begins to suck on my right nipple, while massaging the other. i grip onto her hair tightly and moan at the new feeling.

she then makes her way down and takes off my thong since i didn't sleep with pants either most of the time. "god i love your fucking body so much", i hear her say under her breath while throwing my legs over her shoulders.

"this is ok right?", she asks and i nod my head in response. she then does a lap, licking up all of my fluids. she then starts doing figure eights with her tongue, causing me to moan. "fuck", i moan out while griping onto the bed sheets. she focuses on my clit with her mouth, while adding two fingers into my entrance. i moan even louder now, due to the new sensation.

she begins finger fucking me, still giving my clit attention. "come on mama. tell me how good you feel", billie says while still fingering me. "fuck baby you make me feel so good", i say while throwing my head back.

i start rubbing my clit but then feel billie slap my hand away. "don't touch what's mine", she says rudely. she begins to rub my clit while still fingering me. she comes up and we start making out. it starts getting harder and harder to kiss back the closer i get to my orgasm.

"i-i'm gonna cum", i say as my legs begin to shake. she then finds my g-spot and continue to hit it.
"f-fuck billie", i moan out before releasing on her fingers.

she goes back down and cleans me up and then licks  her fingers. she comes back up to kiss me. she places a long kiss on my lips while feeling all over my body. "you taste good", billie says with a smirk on her face. "oh yea?", i say in a teasing manner while laughing.

she hands me my clothes and i put them back on. "come here angel", she says while holding her arms out.

i go over to her and lay down in her arms. she places a kiss on my head and holds me tighter. "i love you averill", billie says softly. "i love you too billie", i say while holding onto her tighter.

i just wonder why people would want to stay if everybody goes. but now i know why. now i have my reason to stay.

i just wonder why you'd wanna stay. if everybody goes, you'd still be alone.
it's not my best but let me know your thoughtsss
i know this is a shorter chapter but i promise the next one will be longer
it may or may not have a lot more smut in it ;)
1350 words

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