twenty nine

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it's now tuesday and i was currently in the car with my mom, going to school. "so have you thought about doing the two years in one?", my mom asks.

i'm going to be completely honest, i haven't even thought about it. i really didn't care enough to.

"yea i'm still thinking about it", i tell her. i hate when parents keep bugging you about shit. like they see that it bothers you but they keep doing it. like the fuck?

i was still torn whether or not i should do the two years in one thing. like i said, i'm in no rush and i still don't know what i want to do with my life. yes, i hate most parts of high school but it's definitely something i don't want to rush.. i think? or maybe i do.

we finally get to school and i say goodbye to my mom and get out the car. i meet up with billie where i usually do and we walk in together.

we walk to first period and we sit down and the teacher starts talking shortly after.

i see billie writing on a piece of paper, and then tear off a small piece of it. she makes sure the teacher wasn't looking and then slides it over to me.

'you tryna skip with me? ;)'

was written on the note. i start writing back an answer and then slide it back to her.

'sure :)'

i say back and she gives me a subtle smirk. we decided to wait until lunch and then just skip the rest of that day after that.

we somehow got past the administration and got to her car. as soon as we get in billie instantly leans in and kisses me, placing a hand on my inner thigh.

once she pulls away, she motions for me to go to the back seat.

(this ones a quick one.. a quickie if you will)

once we're both back there i sit on her lap and we start making out. i feel her grip onto my ass tightly, somehow pulling me in closer to her.

i was wearing a short skirt today so this made everything easier. billie slips down her pants a little, along with her boxers.

she then moves my thong to the side and then speaks up. "you ready?", she asks and i nod my head while biting my lip. i then feel her slowly slip into my tight pussy.

i let a moan slip as i begin to rock my hips back and forth. i connect our lips again and i feel her hands move back down to my ass. "i can never get enough of you", billie says and i can feel my cheeks turn pink.

she grabs my throat and pulls me back in and we continue making out. i start bouncing on her lap a little and i can tell she's getting close.

"did you ever start taking your birth control again?", billie asks. "mhm", i say back and she nods her head. a few moments later i feel her finish inside of me.

she then starts thrusting up into me with no warning. i let out a loud string of moans before i feel her shove her hand over my mouth. "there's people outside. unless you wanna get caught, i suggest you shut the fuck up", billie says harshly.

i quickly nod my head and she removes her hand from my mouth and continues her motions. "i'm close", i tell her, speaking a little louder than intended.

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