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(lookin hella fine in that picture ^^^^)

it's now thursday.. also my birthday and i'm currently walking to my first class of the day. i don't see the point in coming? they should've just suspended me for the rest of the week honestly. i really didn't feel like coming back.

i sit down in my usual spot and then i see billie walk in shortly after. "hey mama", billie says while sitting down. i blush and say hi back. the teacher begins speaking so i look forward, focusing on the lesson being taught.

this class goes by pretty fast, thank god. it was just the same old bullshit we always do.

as we start packing up our things so we can go to second period, i tap billie on the shoulder. "you wanna come over after school?", i ask. "no i'm sorry. i'm hanging out with my friend", she says back. bitch what friend? she ain't got none.

i let out a small 'oh', and just kinda stand there awkwardly. "um i gotta go. i'll see you later, i guess", i say with a small fake smile and start making my way over to my next period.

she literally never uses her "friends" as an excuse not to hang out. even then, if one is over we all just end up hanging out. i literally know all of her friends and she only knows them because she met them through me. she doesn't have much, no offense.

~time skip~

i'm now at lunch and i wasn't really hungry so i was just sitting there, holding my head up with my hands.

i feel a tap on my shoulder so i lift my head up. "you ok av?", drew asks with a sort of worried look on her face. "yea i'm ok", i say with a fake smile. "you wanna come over after school or something?", i ask, speaking up again. "i can't sorry. i have plans", she says with a small frown on her face.

ok.. i guess i'm spending the night by myself. not how i imagined i'd be spending my birthday but it's fine.

i then feel a nudge on my shoulder so i look over. "claudia said she wants to hangout later", billie speaks up. "like.. the three of us?", i ask a little confused. "no just you two. i already told you i'm hanging out with a friend", billie says back a little rudely. i let out a small 'oh', and don't say anything else.

claudia and i haven't really ever talked before. i mean we've had some small talk but never really a full conversation. she seems like a really nice person tho so i guess it wouldn't hurt to hang out with her for a little bit.

billies POV:
averill doesn't know this but we're planning something for her birthday. we're going to do like a surprise birthday party? i know, cliché. i think she'll like it.. at least i hope so. i know she doesn't like her birthday but hopefully she'll like it better after this.

claudia also offered to hang out with her after school while we set everything up. i know her and averill haven't really ever hung out but i think it'll be nice.

it was really just the only way i could get her out of the house for a longer period of time.

averills POV:
the rest of the day goes by pretty fast and it's now time to go home. billie was supposed to take me home but since she's hanging out with her "friend", she canceled.

so here i am, walking home. nothing new. it's pretty hot in LA again and of course i'm wearing long pants. great thinking averill.

i continue walking when i feel my phone vibrate. i look to see who it is and it's claudia. i didn't even know i had her saved in my phone. i guess i had done it one day without even knowing, or maybe billie did it. who knows.

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