twenty one

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averills POV:
"you guys do know that there's security cameras in the back by the pool, right?", finneas says over the phone. billie just looks at me and i couldn't help but laugh.

she then punches my shoulder jokingly and wraps up her conversation with her brother. "man you dumb as fuck", i say while laughing. "bitch it's not just me on the cameras. it's your ass too", billie says while laughing.


it's now monday and i didn't go to school today because i really just didn't feel like dealing with anyone.

i was laying in bed when i get a call from someone. i look to see who it was and it was sarah. what the fuck does this hoe want?

i roll my eyes and hit the answer button. "what do you want?", i ask with a slight attitude. "hold on i just sent it to you", sarah says back. confused, i put my phone on speaker and open what sarah had just sent.

"the fuck is this?", i ask while looking at what looks like screen shots of messages between two people. "you know a mary?", sarah asks.

i sit there for a second and then remember. "yea why?", i ask, still confused. "well she sent those to me", sarah says. "ok? what's your point", i ask. "those are messages between mary and billie", sarah says. "what?", i say back blankly. "isn't she your girlfriend?", sarah asks. "um yea. i gotta go. thanks for telling me", i say and quickly hang up.

~two weeks later~

billies POV:
averill hasn't been at school for almost two weeks now. it's thursday and when i walk into my first period i see her. "look who decided to show up", drew jokes while nudging my shoulder.

drew and i have been hanging out a lot recently. it's actually been pretty nice. everything has been going pretty ok other than averill being MIA. (missing in action)

"so how have you and averill been?", drew asks while leaning back against her headboard. "i haven't heard from her in a few days", i tell her honestly. "oh.. do you know why?", drew asks while sitting up a little bit. "no. she kinda just stopped talking to me", i tell her. "that's weird as fuck. have you asked anyone else if they've heard from her?", drew asks. "believe me, i've asked some people i didn't even want to be asking", i tell her honestly.

she sits in thought for a moment and then speaks up. "i don't want to scare you or anything but are you sure she's like.. you know, alive?", drew says. "bitch i know she's not dead. she's been active on insta and shit", i tell her while letting out a little fake laugh. "i'm just saying", drew says while holding her hands up in defense.
end of flashback.

drew and i walk over and sit down in our seats. averill kind of just looks at me for a moment but doesn't say anything. the fuck?

"hi?", i say while moving my hand in front of her face. she just looks at me and rolls her eyes. ah nah this ain't gonna work.

"what the fuck is your problem?", i say harshly, raising my voice a little. "bro lower your voice. people are looking at us", averill says lowly, but also in a harsh tone? "i don't give a fuck. you've been ignoring me for the past two weeks", i say while raising my voice even more. "listen, we'll talk after school. just not right now, ok?", averill says while looking around.

i just roll my eyes and sit back in my seat, not saying another word. what could possibly be so secretive that we need to talk after school? like the fuck.

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