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"i love you."

i must've zoned out for a second because i feel a tap on my shoulder. "if you don't feel the same way i understand", she says with a nervous tone in her voice.

i look at her and quickly place a kiss on her lips. i pull away and examine her face for a little bit. "i love you too", i say with a small smile on my face. "wait really?", billie says, kind of shocked. "yes billie", i say, leaning in to kiss her again.


it's now monday and the whole weekend was pretty much spent with billie. my moms off on another work trip so i'm home by myself again.

i make my way to my first period and as i'm going to my seat, i see that some girl is sitting in it that i've never seen in school before but she looks very familiar. why does she looks so familiar?

"um what are you doing?", i ask dryly. "um are you stupid? i'm sitting", the girl says. "well this is my seat. find another one", i say with an attitude laced in the tone of my voice.

she doesn't move and just continues to sit there. "oh um i said she could sit there", i hear a familiar voice say, billies. "why? this is my seat. i've been sitting here since day one", i say, now annoyed. "she's new and didn't have anywhere to sit. it's not that big of a deal baby", billie says.

i just roll my eyes and find another spot to sit, which ends up being on the other side of the room. why the fuck is billie being all nice to this new bitch? she doesn't even know her.

~time skip~

i'm now walking into the cafeteria for lunch when i see the girl from earlier, sitting next to billie. i roll my eyes and sit down next to drew. i just lay my head down on the table, not wanting anything to do with the new bitch.

"so what's your name?", halley asks. "mary", she replies. this bitches name is mary? nah. "oh cool", halley says back. "yea billie has been all over her today. already kissing the new girls ass", i say while laughing.. the worst kind of laugh. you know the one you do when you're mad. "bruh i'm not kissing her ass. she's new and doesn't have any friends", billie says. "i don't know.. you guys seem all close and everything", drew teases while laughing.

i've had enough of this bullshit and quickly get up. "tell me when you want to start acting like my fucking girlfriend", i say coldly, and walk away.

i hear someone running behind me and i see billie. "averill stop", she says while grabbing onto my arm. "what do you want? go back and have fun with your little side hoe. i don't want any part of this", i say as tears begin to form in my eyes.

she literally just said she loved me now she's going to pull shit like this? no thanks. i don't want any part of it.

"averill she's not my side hoe, you know that", billie says. "then why the fuck are you all over her", i say, now pissed. "i wasn't", is all billie says and i've had enough and just walk away.

~time skip~

schools now over and i'm at drews house. she wanted to hang out so we decided to just chill at her house.

"so what's up with you and billie?", drew asks. "nothing. she's just been weird ever since mary came", i say honestly. "i'm sorry av. just give it some time", she says in a comforting tone.

drew has always been a really good friend and she knows me really well. i don't know what i would do without her.

"i think that new mary girl is having a party.. i know you don't like her but i'm sure billie is going. we can go together if you'd like", drew says.

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