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"yo av?", i hear billie whisper. i look over and let out a small 'what'. "are you ok? you're more quieter than usual", she says. "um yea my throat just hurts that's all. probably just a cold or someth-", before i can even finish i remember what billie and i did yesterday.

i look at her with wide eyes and she's just there shaking her head and laughing. "ugh it's not funny", i say kind of annoyed.

"averill", i hear drew say. "hm?", i say in response. "you ok?", she asks. "yea my-", "her throat hurts because of how hard i f-", billie begins to say but i shove my hand over her mouth. "um my throat just hurts that's all", i say to drew. "oh.. yea ok", drew says kind of knowing what's up. i roll my eyes and take my hand off of billies mouth.


i'm now in my fourth period and i have to go to the bathroom so i get the pass and leave the class room. this teachers actually pretty nice and lets us go to the bathroom as long as we have a pass.

as i'm walking i see this group of boys that are a bunch of dicks. they're known to use other girls just for their bodies and shit like that. you know.. the usual high school boy shit.

||this part may be a little triggering so here's your warning||

"ah look who it is", i hear one of them say. i roll my eyes and keep walking. "yo averill, why are you walking away? we just wanna talk", i hear another one say and the rest of them laughing. they're all seniors and basically just roam the halls all day.

i don't answer them when i feel one of them grab onto me. "bro what the fuck. stop touching me", i say and try to pull away. "aw come on. we just want to have some fun", he says while running a hand down to my ass. "can you please stop", i say, now with a shaky voice. "stop being such a big baby", i hear one of them say as tears start to form in my eyes. he finally let's go when the bell rings. meaning everyone will be coming out of class and will see everything.

i basically run into the bathroom and into the stall and start crying because of what just happened. i clean myself up and make sure i look kind of ok and start making my way to lunch since it's my next period.

as i'm speed walking to the cafeteria i run into someone. "oh i-i'm sorry i didn't mean to-" "hey mama it's just me. are you ok?", i hear a familiar, comforting voice ask. i look up and see that it's billie. thank god. "um yea i'm ok", i lie.

i continue walking to the cafeteria, billie following close behind me. i sit down at the table we usually sit at and say hi and shit like that to my friends, billie sitting down next to me.

some time goes by when i feel her place a hand on my inner thigh. i jump at the feeling which leads to her asking if i'm ok again. "averill are you sure you're ok? you seem shaken up or something", billie says. i don't say anything and just ignore the question.

i lay my head down and just listen to everyone talk about random shit. "av", i hear billie whisper. i don't answer and just continue what i was doing before. "do you want to go home? i can take you to my house if you'd like?", she suggests. i nod my head in response and we get up and leave.

we quickly go past the front office and go out to her car. we get in and she drives out of the school parking lot. "so you gonna tell me what's up?", i hear billie say, breaking the silence. "just these fucking boys. nothing important", i say. "what the fuck did they do?", she asks. "um they just touched me when i was walking to the bathroom", i say with a fake laugh after. "averill", i hear billie say. i look at her in response. "you know i would never hurt you right?", she says. i nod my head in response.

some time passes and we're almost to her house. "hey do you wanna go over to my brothers house. they have a pool and they're on vacation right now so they aren't home", she suggests. i nod my head in response. "can you stop by my house real quick. i need to change", i say. she nods her head and drives over to my house.

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