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(continuation from last chapter)

billies POV:
"can i take you on a date?", i ask nervously. i look into her eyes searching for an answer. "a date?", averill asks, kind of in shock. "yes av. like a real date", i say back. she nods her head in response and places a kiss on my lips, and i instantly melt into the kiss.


averills POV:
it's now friday and i'm in my second to last period. we got our new teacher. she's ok i guess. she's a lot younger than i was expecting. her name is mrs.. um well you see i forgot. i didn't care enough to remember it.. oops?

this period goes by pretty fast and i turn in the paper that was handed out to us in the beginning of class. so far no homework from her.. let's keep it that way.

i start making my way over to the library for study hall and i see billie heading there too. i run up to catch up with her and let out a small 'hey'. "hey mama", she says back and places a small kiss on my lips.

we get to the library and sit down at one of the tables. i pull out some homework i had from some other classes. it wasn't too much but it was still way too much for my liking..

about 30 minutes go by and i finished my homework. i see billie is still working on hers so i just go on my phone to pass some time. i just scroll on instagram and like random shit that i see.

"ok you ready mama?", billie asks while putting her stuff away. i nod my head in response and we get up and go out to her car. she offered to drive me home today so i didn't have to walk. some days i'm just lazier than others.. can you blame me tho?

she opens the door for me and i laugh at her small gesture. "thank you billie", i say with a smile on my face. "you're welcome", she says back while smiling.

god she's so cute.

the drive to my place was pretty silent. but it was a comfortable silence.. you know?

i get out of the car and go over to billies side. she rolls down the window so that i can talk to her. "i'll pick you up at 7?", she asks, referring to this little date thing she's planning. "you still haven't told me where we're going", i say back. "it's a surprise averill.. you're not supposed to know dumb ass", billie says back while laughing. "just make sure you pack everything you need for two days", she continues. pack? "what do you me-", i begin to say but get cut off. "don't ask questions. just do it", billie says and i roll my eyes in response. "oh and make sure you bring a bathing suit", she adds. i say ok and we say our goodbyes and i go inside my house.

it's about 4:30 now and i decide i'll start getting ready.. i need a lot of time to get ready. i've never been on a real date. i also have no clue how i should dress because she wouldn't tell me anything.

i love her to death but she can be annoying sometimes.. very annoying. like she could at least tell me where we're going so i at least know what to pack.

i grab a dress out of my closet. it's kinda nice? kinda not? i don't know. i do natural makeup and curl my hair a little. by the time i finished it was already almost 7. my moms still at work but i already told her that i'd be spending the weekend with billie.

i finish packing everything i need then run downstairs and get a pair of shoes.. not heals. i don't fuck with heals. i think they look really good on people but i cannot wear them. i think i'd break my ankle.

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