twenty three

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billies POV:
it's now friday and we didn't have school because it was teacher work day or some shit. my mom and dad were still on vacation so i got the whole house to myself.

i've just been laying in bed on my phone and doing absolutely nothing. i was about to get up and get something to eat when i hear my window slide open. the fuck?

i know you might be wondering why it wasn't locked but it's only because i broke the lock on it awhile ago..

i look over at my window and then see someone basically fall into my room. i sit up a little bit and then i see averill.

"averill what the fuck are you doing?", i ask. "what does it look like i'm doing? i just fell through your window", averill says. "ok but why?", i ask. "because my mom's boyfriend is over and they're being loud as fuck.. if you know what i mean", she says while walking over and laying down on my bed.

she doesn't say anything else and continues to lay there. "why didn't you just text me and ask me to open the front door?", i ask. "because", is all she says.

there's a moment of silence before i speak up. "so um.. what do you want to do?", i ask. "i don't know. i just wanted to get out of the house", averill says while sitting up and shrugging her shoulders.

"wait are you going to drews house tonight?", averill asks. i nod my head in response while looking at her. "are you?", i ask and she also nods her head.

averills POV:
there's another moment of silence before billie speaks up. "so what do you plan on doing when you're older?", billie asks. "i don't know. maybe something with fashion design or photography", i tell her. "what about you?", i ask. "i'm not sure. i definitely want to try to go to college tho", billie tells me.

"you wanna watch a movie or something?", i ask, changing the subject. "sure. what do you wanna watch?", billie asks. "do you have prime video?", i ask. she nods her head in response and pulls out her laptop.

i go over to her so that i'm laying next to her and then start typing in the search bar. twilight.

"have you ever watched these?", i ask and she shakes her head no in response. "well we're gonna watch all of them now", i tell her while hitting play.

"i'm surprised this isn't like on netflix or some shit", billie says. "it was but it got taken off", i tell her and she nods her head in response.

~time skip~
we just finished the third one, eclipse. "i'm still confused on why the fuck this man is sparkly in the sun", billie says. "he has a name for one, and two.. he's a vampire. that's just how it works in here", i tell her. "this is making my head hurt", billie says. i let out a small laugh and start the fourth one of the series. breaking dawn part 1.


i'm now at my house packing my bag for drews house. once i finish with that i go downstairs and say goodbye to my mom. "make sure you text me in the morning", my mom tells me. "i will", i say back and then walk out the door.

i see billies car and i get it. "hey princess", she says and pulls out of the driveway. i let out a small 'hey' and keep it at that.

after a few minutes of driving we get to drews house. we get our stuff out of the car and then go inside. i see laura and halley sitting on the couch with drew. "where's vi?", i ask. "she'll be here later. she said she got caught up with something", drew tells me.

"wait did you guys ride here together?", drew asks, referring to billie and i. i nod my head in response and they all look at each other and smile.

"what?", i ask confused. "nothing", drew says back. "no tell me", i say. "nah we just knew you guys wouldn't be on your little 'break' from each other for very long", laura says.

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