twenty seven

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it's now friday and i'm back home. as much as i loved australia and spending time with my girlfriend and friends, i missed sleeping in my own bed and having some time to myself, you know?

my mom will be home tomorrow from her vacation with her boyfriend, derek.

i was currently sitting on the couch texting back and forth with billie when i hear a knock at the front door. i debate getting up because i'm lazy as fuck.

after not even two minutes the person at the door knocks again. i roll my eyes and get up and open the door.

as soon as i open the door i'm face to face with my dad. "what do you want?", i ask with a slight attitude. "i just wanted to see you", my dad says back.

"i know why you're actually here. mom isn't home right now", i tell him. "well where is she?", he asks. "um none of your business?", i snap back.

he let's out a little laugh and then speaks up again. "since when did you become such a woman?", he asks. "a woman?", i say. "yea.. a bitch", he says back.

i have enough of his bullshit and try to close the door but fail when he pushes it back open. "don't tell your mom we spoke", he says. "yea whatever. go to hell", i say and i slam the door. as i'm doing so i hear him yell, "you don't have much time", he yells but i choose to ignore him. wack job.

~time skip~

"i'm picking you up at 5. be ready", was shown across my screen. i don't know where billie was planning on taking me but i thought it was cute how she always planned little things like this.

billies POV:
i was planning on getting a ring for averill. not an engagement ring.. yet, but it was a promise ring.

flash back.
"do you think she'll like this one?", i ask. i was currently at the jewelry store with my brother, finneas.

he was looking for an engagement ring for claudia and asked me to come along to help him since 'i'm a girl and know what other girls like', as he likes to say.

it's pretty sad how most men don't even know what their own soon to be fiancé likes.

once we found a ring for claudia he was trying to help me out with a promise ring for averill. trying.

"listen, i made you come with me to ask you what you think claudia would like. now you're asking me what averill will like?", finneas says. "ugh you're no help", i say while rolling my eyes.
end of flashback.

averills POV:
it was already 4:50 so i get up and change into something casual and then fix my hair a little.

i make my way downstairs and see that billies already here. i go outside and lock the door on the way out.

"hey mama", billie says as i get into the car. i let out a small 'hey' with a smile on my face as i lean into kiss her.

"so where are we going?", i ask. "it's a surprise", she says back while pulling out of my driveway. "i don't like surprises", i say back. "well you'll like this one.. i hope", she says.

after a few minutes of driving we arrive at this small beach that she's taken me to a few times. she gets out of the car and walks over to my side and opens the door for me, holding out her hand. i thank her and then get out of the car.

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